Tax Free Cash Flow Series

Tax Free Cash Flow with Dave Zook

Our speaker, Dave Zook, is a successful business owner and an experienced real estate investor active in multi-family apartments, self-storage and the ATM space.

During this webinar, you’ll learn if you can create bonus depreciation, how to clean up on taxes with massive depreciation, and how to write off a Corvette!

Tax Free Cash Flow with Kyle Slagle

Our speaker, Kyle Slagle’s journey to co-founding the Real Asset Investing Team began with a tax problem. As a happy W-2 employee, Kyle found himself continually rising in leadership for his exceptional problem-solving and project management skills. And this growth created a rising tax bill.

Kyle profitably solved his tax problem by aligning with real asset syndicators to passively invest to generate additional cash flow while also lowering his family’s tax burden.

Learn how to pay less tax, build passive income, and achieve your freedom in this webinar!

Tax Free Cash Flow with Neil Wahlgren

Our speaker, Neil Wahlgren, brings 10 years of direct real estate experience as both an investor and capital markets expert at MAG Capital Partners, having raised equity for over $450 million in real estate and operating companies.

Request this webinar to learn about the the benefits of investing in industrial.

Tax Free Cash Flow with Parker Pursell

Our speaker, Parker Pursell, National Director for Sales Partnerships for the eQRP Co., will teach us all about eQRPs and the alternative ways to invest your retirement account.

eQRP® is the ultimate investor tool for tax deferred and tax-free investing.

Learn how you can rollover your 401(k), IRA, SDIRA, 403b, 457, TSP and Solo 401(k)s into your eQRP® account.

Tax Free Cash Flow with Alvin Hope Johnson

Do well while doing good by investing in non-profit organizations.

Putting your hard-earned dollars towards a non-profit organization can be a win-win for those of you looking to make a social impact (and a profit) with your investment— as well as the significant tax benefits that come with it.

Learn about the tax advantages of investing in a charitable non-profit organization

The Future of Tokenized Real Estate Webinar

As a Real Estate Developer & Syndicator for almost 30 years, I’ve made the observation that real estate is not a quick investment. It’s a slow, steady growth that brings in return but don’t expect ground-breaking innovation…

That was until Blockchain and Tokenization came along.

Learn about the fast-moving developments happening with Blockchain Technology and the impact this can have in the syndication space

Our Expanded Social Media Presence

In addition to a YouTube channel, Shannon Robnett Industries is active on:


A home base for all things SRI, including an e-calendar to book discussions about ground up real estate syndication.


Robnett’s Real Estate Rundow: An audio version of many of our YouTube videos. Ideal to listen to in your car or otherwise on-the-go.


Shannon Robnett Industries’ LinkedIn: A broader take on our approach to business. We post about topics like communication in business and how opportunities & partnerships make our investment deals better.