How can someone leverage short-term rentals without owning property? What makes short-term rentals a “gateway drug” for real estate investing? In this episode, J. Massey and I talk about how he got his start in real estate investing, the people he has impacted, and the vision he has for the future of his company. J. Massey currently functions as a landlord, private lender, real estate investing consultant, investment manager, speaker, author, mentor, and community advocate. He now educates others on how to invest in residential multifamily and commercial properties for passive income via wholesaling and raising private capital.
If you are looking to learn more about the reasons short-term rentals are great for every demographic and leveraging podcasting to grow a real estate coaching business, don’t miss this episode. You’re going to want to hear what J. Massey says on today’s show.
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J. Massey: Short-Term Rental Investing
I’ve got a special guest onthe show. His name is J. Massey. Wehave gotten to know each other over the last couple of months through Clubhouse. Unlike a lot of people on the app, we’ve met each other in person. You’re going to want to see what this guy has to say because his story is amazing. His ability to reach an audience is unreal. What he has to say about how to simply transform your life through using other people’s assets and money, and making it something that produces money for you is unreal. You are going to want to tune into the show as I get the details out of my buddy, J. Massey.
I have the wonderful honor of interviewing a good buddy of mine, J. Massey. J, how are you?
I’m excited to be here. I’m glad we could finally make it happen and most importantly, I’m excited for those of you who are reading.
J and I met on this funny little app called Clubhouse. The thing with most people on Clubhouse is they’ve never met each other. It’s a vocal app that you talk to each other, learn information, get into rooms and all this crazy stuff. Another mutual friend of ours, Alvin Hope Johnson had this thing called Clubhouse Live. I sat next to J. Massey and I got two days of some of the most amazing comments about what was going on in the room, things that most people don’t see. J’s got a crazy perspective on why he sees things that nobody else sees. J, with that, can you start us with a little bit of your story? Where did you come from? What are you doing and what makes you so unique?
God makes me unique but He also gave me what I often now refer to as special abilities. For those of you who don’t know me, I have ADHD and I’m autistic. That means it can be challenging for me to focus on things as well as challenging to switch tasks and a whole bunch of other stuff. There are certain narrow areas where I can go deep. It is inside the real estate space where that has come alive. When my wife and I first got started in real estate, we were squatting in a bank-owned property. My credit score was 398. I was trying to be a financial planner at the time. I was making choices like, “Do I pay the electric bill or do I buy food?” That’s not the best place to be, nor is it exactly encouraging. Hopefully, what encourages you is you are not there or even if you are, there’s a way out. That’s what I did not know. We were selling our personal possessions on eBay. As in literally auctioning them. When we ran out of our stuff, we started going to other people’s garage sales because if I didn’t sell something on a weekend, we wouldn’t eat the next week.
A lot of people want to feel significant. They want to know that they matter and that they make a difference.
It was day to day, week to week while my wife was fighting for her life. When she’s pregnant, she can’t eat or drink and I had a punctured lung. I couldn’t walk and talk. From there, we learned about wholesaling and it began the journey. Now having completed hundreds of wholesale transactions, owned cell phone towers, commercial retail and syndicated apartment buildings from five units all the way up to 180 units in escrow in my first hotel, that’s pretty exciting. Also, I’m in the process of purchasing another twelve-unit building. We’ve had the privilege of teaching and training individuals how to do short-term rentals in seventeen different countries. Honestly, it’s hard to believe that I say all of that like I was there but we count our success by the number of seven-figure operators we create each year. That’s where I get my joy now.
You guys now understand why I say unique. Superpower is not the right word but as you can tell, J is doing things on a level that most people can’t even fathom. To have come from that place where you have a 398 credit score and squatting to where you’re at now, putting together these eight–figure and nine-figure deals, how does that feel to know that you and your wife did it on your own?
It feels useful. A lot of us want to feel significant. We want to know that we matter and we make a difference. I get the privilege of knowing that every day, we make and continue to strive to make even bigger differences in the lives of everyday moms, dads, brothers and cousins. I’ve come to a conviction that a lot of us parents tell our kids, “Go be whatever you want.” I never want to be that parent whose kids could point at him and go, “Dad, you say that but you didn’t try it.” I wanted to create an opportunity for others because I believe very strongly that a goal, once obtained, becomes a responsibility. All we’ve been trying to do is live up to the responsibility.
I want to take you back to when you and I were in a Clubhouse room. There was a gentleman that came up to the stage that was talking about the vision that he had to combine affordable housing and education for people to get out of the situation where they needed affordable housing, and to create a life-changing experience. That wasn’t just affordable housing. It was a couple of things. You might not remember thisbecause I know you do this very often. This gentleman was talking about where he lived. He lived in this place called Atlanta, which is where Clubhouse Live is going to be. I was telling the guy, “You got to be in the Clubhouse live.” He said, “That’s not a possibility because I can’t do that.”Jonathan Bingand I said, “We’re going to pay for you to Clubhouse Live.” What did you interrupt us very rudely and say right after Jonathan and I paid for his ticket? What did you say?
He was mentioning what was important to him. I had to make sure that his daughter got to learn too. It’s important to me as a father of daughters. I had 2020 to spend a lot of time with my daughter for sure and watching her gain business concepts. I don’t even know how much money she’s made but she’s made more than some adults during this pandemic and watching how she has heard and listened. It’s not like she was necessarily in the class per se. She’s heard and listened to the things that I’ve been listening to. She’s been overhearing and applying the lessons in her life now. I saw an opportunity for another dad to be that example for his daughter. I’m like, “It just didn’t seem right to not have her there. She gets to go too. It’s fun.”
That’s what I mean, guys. That’s why this guy is unique. Who steps up? All of us can see that a dad might need some help, but J sees beyond that. He sees that there’s a generational thing here. The dad wants to change people’s lives through generational stuff, but the daughter needs her life changed too. This is the thing that I see you do. This is not an isolated incident. I know of several other incidents that I was personally witnessed that were like this that you’ve done. For you to say the statement about what you’ve learned and that becomes a responsibility. I watch you walk it out daily. I listen to you talk to other people about what you’re doing and how they can do it too. When they say that they can’t, you show them how they not only can, but they can teach their children how to do that exact same thing. That’s the amazing thing about you. Now that we’ve established that you’re unique and amazing, tell us where you went after you got done with wholesaling with your short-term rental business and the arbitrage and everything that you do with that. How did you get started in that world?

Short Term Rental Investing: The best way to buy a bunch of real estate long-term is to build a stream of cash flow that comes in monthly that is equal to or greater than your current annual income.
The short-term rental world was not in my sphere until I started looking at hospitality. I was participating in an international hotel development project. Even though I did not finish or not complete with them, the idea was planted. That seed was planted. It was shortly right after that, one of my students came to me and asked me, because they had asked me to help them raise some capital, which they did. It was about $300,000, I believe at the time. They decided to deploy the capital in the short-term rental space. Mind you, they didn’t tell me this. They just did it because I had told them to do something completely different. They wanted to catch up and meet and see the results.
By this point, I was already thinking, “Here we go again. Another situation in which somebody didn’t do what I said and it’s not going to turn out right.” They showed me the Excel sheets. I put it next to their student housing business and I’m looking at the short-term rentals. Long story short, I’m a very data and numbers-driven kind of person. When I saw that, I was like, “You’re saying this happens every month.” The numbers were massive and I’m in Southern California. Short-term rentals are great everywhere. When you’re comparing it against an existing portfolio of UCLA student housing, you got to make some awesome numbers to make this make sense.
I’m looking at this going, “Oh my goodness.” Especially on a risk-adjusted basis, you’re just like, “This is it. This is what I was looking for.” As a long-term landlord, you often make decisions between deferred maintenance and cashflow. I didn’t like that. I wanted to have the best property and I would like to make some money too. Building wealth, yeah. Holding real estate long-term, awesome. However, it’s horrible for income but yet short-term rentals solve that problem and allow you to do both at the same.
How does it solve that problem especially when you are not the owner?
That’s the thing. The best part is that you get to build a stack of income first. That’s what I tell people. The best way to buy a bunch of real estate long-term is to build a stream of cashflow that comes in monthly that is equal to or greater than your current annual income. To be clear, what I am saying is, if you earn $100,000 a year now, what I want you to do is go build $100,000 of monthly income using short-term rentals, then go buy. When you do that, you’re in a much stronger position at every negotiating table all the time. Plus, the stress on the due diligence goes down because you know that even if you make a mistake, you’ll be right back at the closing table next month. Those things are necessary when we’re in an environment where it’s inflationary and we’ve got to deal with not the best fiscal policy on the planet. We’ve got to contend with having our currency become something that at least buys something of true intrinsic value on a daily basis so that one day you’re not finding yourself caught with a whole bunch of cash that’s worthless.
That’s the funny thing that a lot of people don’t understand. They try to own very large assets that they’re hoping will appreciate. They buy a $1 million asset, then they hope it goes up 10% a year. They make $100,000 a year that they cannot eat and cannot get access to. If anything happens, they’re still tied to the ball and chain of that mortgage. What you’re suggesting is you can turn around and re-rent that $1 million asset. To me, this is like the Uber model where they rent your car and have you go pick up everybody else while they make the majority of the money.
A goal, once obtained, becomes a responsibility.
If you look at their valuations, they’re not hurting. It’s the same with Airbnb, Instacart and so many things. I want everyday average Americans and people everywhere to understand that this is your way in. Real estate can feel exclusionary, however, it doesn’t take long to get a lease. Once you’ve got it, it’s all about finding the next customer, which there are 65 different use cases for short-term rentals. For those who are thinking, “I don’t live in a vacation spot. Airbnb doesn’t work here.” I must say this, “We have it working everywhere.”
There are four cities that are tough. They are Chicago, Amsterdam, Berlin and Barcelona. If you’re not in one of those places, you’re good. There’s a way to make it work. I know this factually. It’s also your way in because it creates so much revenue in a short period of time. During the pandemic, we have had people hit seven figures. Mind you, everybody else was talking about travel is down and airplanes are this, which is true. The initial shock wasn’t pretty. We still found a way to create seven-figure operators through that. This only means, as the world finds its new equilibrium, they’re going to make even more money.
The thing is we’ve had platforms like VRBO around for a long time. It became Airbnb to make it a little bit more mainstream. It then became something that is now acceptable like Uber’s become acceptable, but you take it to the next level where you’re not even owning the real estate. You’re just creating the cashflow. You have a business that’s built on cashflow that has not a long lens that if things go badly for you, you can get out because you’re just in a lease. You’re leasing an apartment. You’re outfitting the apartment with beds, tables, chairs, candles and all those kinds of things.
No candles because that’s bad. I got stories. You don’t even use the electric candles because those still come back melted.
Everybody hears the story about the guy that trashed their Airbnb. They rented their house to have the raging party because he didn’t want to do it at his house. How have you guys engineered the idiot out of Airbnb? How have you done that?
Screening, safety and security are the three things. When you own a large apartment complex or any piece of real estate as I have and I’ve done so, I did so remotely. We are living in California but the majority of our apartment assets were in Tennessee, our single-family was in Illinois, our commercial was in Colorado. What that means is getting good at systems that work in a remote fashion was something that I was gifted through building the portfolio. What that also means is that screening, safety and security are on top of my mind. I grew up overseas in a foreign country which as a military kid, these are all lessons. You don’t even take out the trash without bringing your passport or something, just in case. You never know.

Short Term Rental Investing: Everybody wants an opportunity to struggle and try to become more, and they want to do so in an environment that helps them become a better version of themselves at the same time.
That thought process has never left me. It was one of the first things I applied to every step of the process with the short-term rental and that’s the biggest difference. While technology lowered the bar, it made it easy for anyone to offer space and for anyone looking for space to find each other. What it didn’t do was educate those offering space on how to screen, be safe and secure. That’s what we brought to the table. We started product testing. Every home automation device that you have seen had been through my hands. We wanted to make sure that A worked with B worked with C to achieve complete control over the property so that we know how many people are there, how many cell phones are there, what websites they’ve gone to, how long they’ve been there, the level of noise that they’re making, how many times they opened the window and the door.
You may not think about this but there’s a pattern to what every human does when they first arrive somewhere on vacation or just going somewhere. There’s a pattern to how frequently you open the door and/or window. We can detect deviance from that pattern and we start paying attention wondering, “What’s going on?” That’s part of keeping a place safe and secure, and protecting the quiet enjoyment that landlords need to provide. Everything I’m talking about, you don’t necessarily get to charge more for those things. It’s like fixing the plumbing in a house before you sell it. No one’s going to pay you more because the plumbing works. It’s one of those things that’s an additional investment and most people don’t want to make it.
I refuse to operate without it because that’s a standard operating procedure. I cannot stand the idea of a single female traveler arriving in one of our properties at night being afraid and/or scared and us not having a way to resolve that issue or making sure that carbon monoxide is a thing. It’s not saying, “There’s this fire alarm that sits there that’s wonderful but it’s stupid. It needs to call emergency services even if and especially when your staff doesn’t respond timely, you can’t respond timely or whatever.” We’ve got so many fail-safes and screening procedures that we know how to keep the wrong element out. With today’s internet and social media, anyone we don’t want there, you’ve already told us because it’s on your Facebook profile. That makes it simple for us to use technology to make sure that you don’t even see us. In some cases, on some platforms, if you don’t meet our qualifications, you don’t even get offered the chance to make a reservation.
You’ve got me intrigued. How do you use that social media? If I’m a 25-year-old kid and I want to party, how do you keep me from seeing your reservation if you don’t know I’m looking until I’m looking.
I don’t know you’re looking until you’re looking but Google, Facebook and every internet device you have ever touched know that you’re looking. There are certain parameters that you have to meet. They can tell by what you click on, how fast you click and how far you scrolled. If you scroll the sites you’ve been to previously, they can come to a reasonable approximation not only of your location but your gender identity as well as age. Age is an easy one to screen out because if the machine detects that you are below that certain age, none of our properties would even show up for you.
Your system has been built through trial and error over the years. You’ve figured all this out. What are some of the ways that you’re now teaching this to other people so that they’re not having to go through all these speed bumps and get drag along by the train?
An entrepreneur is someone who organizes other people’s resources and puts them in a productive capacity.
Here’s what we tried. We tried creating a course and here you go. That worked for some but it didn’t work as well as I liked it. We then tried, “Let’s just do it in little groups, 10 and 15 people at a time. Do it for a short period of time and go from there.” That worked for a while and it worked for some but not most. What we have ultimately evolved to is we have a twelve-month program where we are up all in your face. When I say that, it is taught live. You do have pre-recorded content as part of your course material but they get interaction with every part of the system over the course of a week. We have eight live sessions every week from role-plays to I’m there. We’ve got bookkeeping covered the cash management. That was one of the biggest discouraging pieces. We had a lot of people who started earning a significant amount of money but they didn’t know what to do with it. They ended up in situations where they still didn’t have money for rent. I’m like, “I don’t understand. You just made $100,000 this month and you’re telling me you don’t have money for rent. What did you do?”
There were many things I had to learn about how to help a person make the transition from employee to business owner. We reverse engineered all the things we tripped over. We’ve got personal development classes because that’s necessary. The bookkeeping as I said, the role-plays, teaching them how to get the landlord to say yes, which means we teach negotiation and sales, etc. We then added a human, as an accountability coach on top of all of that. The accountability coach runs their own short-term rental business too. It’s like you got more help than you could possibly imagine. Now, it has accelerated the percentage of success that we’re seeing and the rate at which people are doing it. In fact, we broke one of our records. It’s 104 days now. It’s the fastest someone has come in, tore it up and was able to quit a very high-paying job.
You’re taking people from zero to out of their job at 104 days.There’s going to be the 99-day person. That’s the four-minute mile once you break that triple digits. The funny thing is and this is what I also know about you. You’re not okay with just a course, a $99 price tag, a partial success, and a 3.5-star Google rating. You’ve re-engineered that and said, “Let’s tinker with it a little bit. Let’s make it a live course and make it a more expensive thing. That will get us more serious people and we’ll get better results.” That didn’t necessarily work that well either. Now, you’ve combined the two and added a third and a fourth element. If you fail at this, it is entirely 1,000% because you didn’t show up to do it.
I’m still looking for what’s missing. At some point, it is a little ridiculous because there’s no reason to fail other than to intentionally not show up. I know some of you are like, “I tried and the landlord said, no.” You spoke to one landlord out of tens of thousands in your area. I know all the areas where some of you are possibly going, “You don’t know my area.” I promise you, I do. We probably have people already there who are already doing it. More importantly, what’s funny to me and ironic even because this has happened more than once where we have two completely different individuals who are in the same geographic area, in the same city. One person’s like, “Opportunities are everywhere. This is great.” The other person is like, “I can’t get nobody. Nobody here does this. It doesn’t work here.” They’re in the same city and sometimes during the same training session. It’s like, “This person in your city says they got a lot of opportunities and you are in the same city. What am I missing? What don’t I know because you guys have access to the same information?” It does come down to the individual.
Here’s what you need. You need a DISC assessment on the intake of your students. That’s the only thing I can see missing.
I hired a coach to help us improve the company. Yes, we’re adding that now.

Short Term Rental Investing: Everything becomes possible once the leader casts the vision.
You need to have them take the DISC assessment and there are only certain products that are available for them to purchase based on your personality. This is AI mixed with J. Massey‘s genius at its best. You won’t see what’s not good for you. If we could do that at the store, we’d have a bunch of skinny people too. You’ve got your hands on a lot of things. We’ve talked about short-term rentals, hotels, international and coaching. Bring all this home for me. How does a guy like you who struggles with paying attention to one thing manage all of these things? Is that what it is? You run around and beat on this jump for 30 seconds and then go beat on that one. What is it that makes all of this work in your world?
That’s ironic and I love the way you said it. It is because I am present to my limitations. I learned to hire other people who are good at pieces. Systemic thinking comes to me and I’d go, “I need one person to do this thing and another person to do this thing.” I need another person to oversee these two people who are doing the other thing. I repeat that process over and over again. The part I like about it is it creates opportunities and jobs for other people. It requires me to think bigger and solve bigger problems. If you choose to solve small problems, you won’t have all the revenue you need for all the other people who can help you. By going to a larger place, I can focus on fewer things because it’s somebody else’s responsibility, the things that are not in my zone of genius. You build stuff and you get this because some people are like, “You are really a roofer.” Don’t ever try to hire that person as a plumber because it won’t work. Somebody has got to organize all that and that’s what an entrepreneur does. We organize other people’s resources and put them in a productive capacity.
What I hear you saying is that small thinking leaves you too broke to hire the people that can take you to the next level. Is that why people like Jeff Bezos, Elon Musk, Steve Jobs, and those guys have created such massive networks because their minds aren’t limited to the four walls around them? “I can do this taskbut why am I not just happy doing this task? Instead of building a house, building a 180-unit apartment complex, doing one short-term rental, why do I want to do 80 short-term rentals?” You’re doing that one action, now you’re doing it 80 times. What is it that makes that so doable when you systematize? What’s the sauce in there? What’s the magic?
It’s knowing that it can be done and having a big enough belief. You can be the catalyst, the cause agent and the change agent. You are the spark. You don’t need to be all of the pieces but you do need to be the spark. If that appeals to you, then it’s about inspiring others to participate in the vision of making a difference which I believe, fundamentally, everyone wants. I can’t think of any person who wants to be less than impactful. Nobody wakes up and says, “Today, I’m going to aim for the bottom.” Everybody wants to be their best. They want an opportunity to struggle and try to become more. They want to do so in an environment that helps them become a better version of themselves at the same time. People stay where they grow. That’s what it comes down to. I like learning things and executing. I liked seeing new things coming to being. It’s fun. I never want to be that person who says, I got twenty years’ experience but what I really mean is, I’ve done the same thing for twenty years. I’ve repeated one year, twenty times, which is not true for me. It’s way more exciting. We live every day. You die once.
I would like to disagree with you, J. I have met people that have got up in the morning and aimed for the bottom.
They may have hit the bottom but it wasn’t their goal. I don’t think it was their goal. I think they hit it though. I’ve definitely hit the bottom but I don’t know that I was trying to. It’s not like a map out a plan. If I do this and don’t do this and don’t do this, I’ll be at the bottom and yes, I’ve made it.
You don’t need to be all of the pieces, but you do need to be the spark.
Now that you’re where you’re at and you’re thinking on a global scale. You’re not thinking about your neighborhood, California, the US, short-term rentals and hotels exclusively. When you’re thinking at that level, what isn’t possible?
That’s what it comes down to. Everything becomes possible once the leader casts the vision. The only impossible thing is something I hadn’t considered or thought of. This is why I love Clubhouse because I get to hear things that I’ve never considered. I assimilate those into the ideas that I’ve already had to make something even better than when I first started. It’s so exciting, to say the least.
We started talking about a product that we are doing independent of each other, that we both heard about and figured out on Clubhouse in the last few months. We’re sitting there doing the dual pitch. “Shannon, J,you got to hear what I’m doing.” “No, J, you got to hear what I’m doing.” We’re doing the same thing. Now we’re deciding we’re probably going to wind up joining forces. This is all stuff that was new to me in January 2021. I didn’t even know the people that knew the information. I got on the Clubhouse on the 1st of January 2021, but I didn’t even know the people had this information, let alone get to the place where we’re building out this platform.
That’s the beauty of having an expanded mind. I go into Clubhouse not sitting there going, “What can I tell people?” I go into Clubhouse going, “What can I learn?” I come into my job going, “What can I learn now?” I look at it a lot like you, where my expanded mind scares the hell out of me. There’s not a lot of fear because we’re getting things done. We know what our limitations are. We know that there are other people that can handle those. Like you, I’m sitting there going, “That’s entirely possible. In fact, if you did these three things that the last guy failed at, you’ll probably get there.” How do people get there? How do you go from a 391credit score, being a squatter, finding out you’re autistic to being this guy that’s got the expanded mind that has no limitations?
First of all, it was 398. I earned those seven points. 391 is a different number. It’s really important.
You get a whole different interest rate at 398.

Short Term Rental Investing: If you choose to solve small problems, you won’t have all the revenue you need for all the other people who can help you.
The biggest lesson for me was that the marketplace does not care about your situation. It cares about your solution. The marketplace never cared when I was wholesaling that I was squatting in a bank-owned property. What people cared about was, “Can I buy that property for their reasons?” They weren’t concerned that I needed to earn the wholesaling fee to eat. They didn’t care about that. They cared, “Is this a property that works for my purposes?” When I discovered that, I was set free because it wasn’t about me anymore. It was also never about me. It was about the value I could bring to the marketplace, also known as the value I could bring to an hour.
It was through wholesaling where I began to get very painful lessons about taxes. I’m like, “How do we solve that problem?” The solution became keeping them. I started grasping the fact that the entrepreneur is the one who creates the jobs for the employee, hires the self-employed person, uses the capital of the investor, and puts them all to productive capacity. It was step-by-step and bit by bit because here’s the biggest gift that I was given. I got to start real estate and I had no other resources. Most people think and believe it’s a strong advantage to have credit, cash and all the things. That’s cool but that takes care of you. I was forced. In order to take care of myself, I had to learn to take care of hundreds and thousands of other people. That lesson has never left.
I can see the billboard now. If I have a 740-credit score, you can buy a house. There’s J. Massey, hold my beer.
That’s what it’s like because all of these skillsets are necessary for what we’re talking about. It’s a skillset game and that’s what I learned. It’s not about how many assets I have. In fact, the deal I’m doing right now, I was going to use a bank loan for the first time. I’ll admit it. I’m using a bank loan. It’s only 500-plus transactions in. Thirteen years later, I am finally learning to use a bank. What was funny is that I was putting together the downpayment and all of these things. As I was doing so, would you know that I came up with a way to buy the property using none of my own money? I’m like, “I’ll do that.”
That’s what you’ve learned from all of these things. You can be a resourceful person regardless of the situation. You can get it done, regardless. I hope my readers have got as much out of this as I have. As I always do when talking with you, I’ve taken away so much, your tenacity, integrity, drive and the simplicity with which you think in a very complicated way. The reality of what you’re saying is rudimentary. You’re not giving us calculus here. It’s very simple things but you’ve put it together to a level that most people never see because most people have never allowed themselves to believe.
They’re sitting in traffic going into a job that they don’t like or a person who they wish they were.
There’s no reason to fail other than to intentionally not show up.
Those are all very true statements. If you find yourself and you’re that person, you need to reach out to J. You need to get into his program. You need to be the 99-day person. How can people find you? Where are you in the stratosphere of the internet or everywhere else? Where can people find you, get with you, and figure out what’s going on so that they can become part of your ecosystem and learn from that massive bank of knowledge you’ve got?
The club on Clubhouse is The CashflowDiary Cartel. If you do @CashflowDiary on any social media, you’ll find us. What it comes down to is whether you’re watching us on YouTube or listening to the podcast, it doesn’t matter. You need to be prepared to become a bigger and better version of yourself. The version of you that is reading now cannot and will not be the same version that achieves whatever the goal is. I did not. A few months ago, if you had asked me, “Could you buy a $7 million apartment building using none of your own money?” I would have said yes and I also would’ve said, “However, I’m looking to learn to use new skills like going to a bank,” which I intended to do.
Yet, I find a way to still buy very large dollar amount properties and use none of my own money. This is the thing. The skillsets never leave you. It’s because I’ve changed and I’ve grown. It’s partly because I’ve met new people like you and Alvin Hope Johnson. For those that are coming to Clubhouse Live 2.0, we’re doing something I haven’t done in probably eight years. We’re going to be hosting a 300-plus person Cashflow Board Game. This is what a lot of people know me for. This is how I got involved with the Kiyosakis, etc. Look up the tickets, come on down and be there. I want you to understand how a simple board game is what led to the transformation that you’re reading about here.
I had the opportunity to spend some time with both the Kiyosakis, Kim and Robert. They’re so gracious. They are so impactful with such a simple concept. This is something that a lot of us have known for a long time. It’s the way that they teach it. It’s impactful. That is The CashflowDiary Cartel. You can find J there. You can catch him on his podcast. Thanks again for reading. If you want to follow us, you can find us on Spotify and all the different places that you look for stuff. Subscribe and join us on YouTube. As always, J, thank you so much for being our guests. You have brought some amazing knowledge and I appreciate it.
Thanks for taking the time to even create the content and giving me the opportunity to meet a few new people. I appreciate it. Thank you.
We’ll talk to you again soon.
Important Links:
- J. Massey
- The CashflowDiary Cartel – Clubhouse
- @CashflowDiary – Instagram
- YouTube – Cashflow Diary
- Clubhouse Live 2.0
- Spotify – Robnett’s Real Estate Run Down
- YouTube – Shannon Robnett
- http://CashflowDiary.com/blueprint
About J. Massey:

J. Massey is the CEO and Founder of Cashflow Diary, a training and development brand for building short-term rental entrepreneurs. Before Cashflow Diary, J. raised capital and invested in traditional real estate (single-family homes, note brokering and holding, cell phone towers, commercial real estate, and apartment buildings).
Eventually, he built his real estate investing training program to share what he learns continuously through his years of successful, real-world experience owning hundreds of traditional long-term housing units. When one of his students asked him what he knew about the world of short-term rentals, the answer was not very much.
Once J. started learning about short-term rental strategies, he saw a world of opportunity in front of him. He built his very own 34-unit (46 bedrooms)- and-counting short-term rental business from scratch — which he still owns, grows, and operates— and has shifted his Cashflow Diary brand to focus exclusively on building and training short-term rental entrepreneurs. Now he’s built a community of thousands of like-minded people from 16 countries that he learns from every day and shares his knowledge through his Cashflow Diary podcast, YouTube channel, Facebook groups, and annual Short-Term Rental Summit training events.