Nancy Wallace-Laabs is a best-selling author, national speaker, and real estate investor. In this episode, Nancy shares how she got involved in real estate investing, common mistakes to avoid, and how you can shift your mindset for even more success.
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REI for Growing Long-Term Wealth with Nancy Wallace-Laabs
Shannon Robnett 00:45
Coming back to Season Two of the Real Estate Rundown. Today we have got a treat for you guys. We are interviewing a wonderful lady who’s been involved in real estate for quite some time, she’s actually written a couple of books, she’s involved very active in building an online community, she’s really focused on education as well, which is something that you guys know me that’s one of the things that I love, is to make sure that we’ve got education involved in these while these multimillion dollar transactions at some point. So, guys, welcome Nancy Wallace Laabs to the show. Welcome, Nancy, how are you?
Nancy Wallace-Laabs 01:20
Hey, I’m good. And welcome to your audience. And thank you so much for having me on. I’m very excited to be here.
Shannon Robnett 01:26
So Nancy, you’ve, you’ve done a lot. I mean, we were talking before the show, I think you like me, you know, you’ve done everything from flips to, you know, renovations to new construction, give everybody kind of a, you know, three minute overview of where you came from, and what got you to the place you’re at now, and then we can start a conversation.
Nancy Wallace-Laabs 01:46
Okay, so I’ll try to condense it in three minutes. So I started my real estate investing career with buy and hold. And I was brand new investor, you know, very nervous about buying my first deal didn’t know, you know, anything about really bolstered investing. So kind of took a leap of faith and bought this property. And one of the things I was very curious about because I knew I wanted to be a landlord was how to manage because I think you can lose a lot of money, you can get a great deal. But if you put the wrong tenant there. So I ended up getting a job as a property manager, or almost like an assistant and I worked my way up to actually owning my own property management business. And in 2015, I stopped doing property management, because then I was doing a lot of speaking and training. So through the years of with the changes in the market, we have changed our tactics of how we’re investing because I think as a, you know, a savvy investor, you kind of have to look around what’s going on. So then I got asked to speak on you know, how to start an Airbnb business, because we’ve done that, how to invest with your self directed IRA, you know, how you can build wealth, tax free tax, deferred, great strategy, and, and then the property management. So yes, I’ve written a couple books about my most famous one is called Winning deals in heels, it’s kind of my story about how I got started. And I think everyone needs to know, especially if they’re brand new, everybody has the fear, the fear, they’re gonna lose the money, or they don’t know what they’re doing. And that’s why, you know, I do a lot of coaching and teaching and things like that, and, you know, develop my online courses, because people need to know, you know, just to get the information. But, you know, you have to overcome the fear. And you only do that by educating yourself. So it just has progressed through the years, you know, a lot, a lot of times, I might fall into something, one of my most famous owner finance deals is I literally bought a property in 2018, sight unseen, it was in the historic district of Fort Worth, Texas for $10,000, didn’t know what I was gonna do with that property, stuck a sign in the yard, English, Spanish on one side, the other side, and we sold that thing for $50,000. And I didn’t do anything, and I use my IRA. So that was just like, like an eye opener, like a lightning bolt, like, oh, my gosh, you can actually do this. And so for the viewers that don’t understand that strategy, you know, I don’t pay taxes on that money, though, I’m getting that cash flow. It’s all in my self directed IRA. So that’s just one strategy that I love.
Shannon Robnett 04:21
You know, and that’s, and that’s a key component too. Because, you know, I think that, you know, one of the reasons that I have this podcast, and then I do a lot of education, for, you know, my audience and for our investors, as well as for that same reason, you know, I think that 2008 With a very educated audience would have looked a lot different. Right. You know, there was, I mean, we saw this all over the news, when as the market was crashing, all these people that got involved in these arm loans, adjustable rate mortgages, and when they adjusted, they’re like, I had no idea they didn’t understand. And, you know, I think that when people look at this, you know, With real estate investing, they go well, you know, I was supposed to make a lot of money right away. And that’s not really the case, either. And so when people look at that, and they go, Well, you know, how come? How come I didn’t make a million dollars my first year? Well, you know, that’s an indication piece. Right? And, and, you know, then you follow that up with the with the property management piece, which I love, right? It’s something that we do, because there is nothing that will make you more money, or cost you more money in the deal. And one of the things that people don’t understand is in commercial real estate, especially, you’re trading on NOI. So your net operating income is really all they’re looking at, right? I mean, you could have the best look at building on the street. But if your rents aren’t there, you’re not going to get the sales price. If you’ve gotten terrible management and your expenses are out of control, you’re not going to get the price up that you want. What are some of the things that you commonly see people make the mistake in property management, that really hurts them in a way that you like to teach them, don’t do this stuff, do this?
Nancy Wallace-Laabs 06:04
Yeah. So I’m going to give you kind of my top three. So number one would be to purchase a property. And let’s say your mortgage is $1,400 a month unless you pay cash for it. But let’s assume that you know, you’re putting 20-25% down, you got a mortgage of 14, you have the property taxes, you have your insurance, so your payment, you know, your maintenance costs, your holding costs are about $1,800 a month, and you ended up buying into a property in area that the top of the line grants are $1600. So I think that’s the, they don’t do the research on what I could get a rent. So that’s number one. Number two, they get the property. And you know, maybe the renovation took a little bit longer, or they’re getting nervous, because they have that payment coming up. So they just put a tenant in there. And I have seen this time and time again, where people just don’t take the time to do the proper background checks, screening, there’s so many ways that you can screen a tenant that save you money. Number three is running to a property of vacant property every time you want to show it. So in my system, what I do is I have four questions that I asked any applicant, before I even know hang up the phone and go walk and show him a property. So proper screening, getting that tenant. And then the third thing I see is not a ironclad lease agreement that set expectations up front with that tenant. So I think those are the three biggest things I see landlords make, and you know, a lot of investors will, they’ll be really happy they got this property, and everyone thinks property management is just a breeze at it, you know, and, you know, if you’re organized, you have to have good organizational skills, if you’re going to do property management, you have to have good communication skills. And even talk about this in my book. It’s called simple property management. You know, even if you’re doing Airbnb, and you want to manage your own properties, if you’re disorganized, you don’t really have great customer service skills, property management, managing short term rentals is not going to be your, you know, your area of expertise. So I think when people just get into the situation where they’re like, Oh, I’m gonna get this person out. And just the fourth problem I see people doing is they allow people to either move in early, and they didn’t collect in certified funds, the security deposit, the pet deposit, you know, first month’s rent, and then or they took a personal check, and then it bounces, you know, so. So those are the four babies, I could go on and on about what happened and COVID and that kind of stuff. But yeah, those problems still continued on to landlords are still making those those mistakes.
Shannon Robnett 08:42
Yeah, you know, one of the things that I always encourage people to do is I encourage them to take their own salary, and divide that by hours in the day and then ask them what their overtime rate is, because they got a full time job, and property management on the weekend, right. And let’s just assume that you’re going to be as good at this, as Nancy is going to be at this, and you’re working on overtime. So if you’re making 60 grand a year, you’re about 40 bucks an hour. So $60 an hour is your property manager, you’re not going to be about the same price. And then you get to enjoy your Saturday or your Friday night or whatever important event you had. That’s when the toilets gonna break, right? Know that. And so when you have those things you really need to look at, what are you good at? Like you said, are you really organized enough? Do you really have the knowledge or are you systematized? And then Is it really something you want to do? Because one of the things that I see a lot of people do is think that they can do it. Instead of learn on the job, right? Like maybe, maybe buy your first three properties, give it to a property manager, watch them for a year, right? And then decide yes, I want to do this. I want to learn more from Nancy I want to go through a course because I see what they’re doing. And obviously, if they’re professional, I can assume that they, quote unquote, know what they’re doing. And that’s not always true with property managers.
Nancy Wallace-Laabs 10:09
Okay, so and good point. So the fifth thing is to hire the cheapest property manager, right? So I have a chapter that I actually like,
Shannon Robnett 10:18
Wait, wait, wait, wait, are you advocating to hire the cheapest?
Nancy Wallace-Laabs 10:22
No, no, I’m saying, oh, make that mistake to hire. Okay. In property management world, you know that talking about fees and things like that, but you know, generally it’s about 10% for you know, a single family homes, or you can do a percent, you know, if you have multiple, multiple families, but if you’re talking to somebody who’s going to do it for a flat fee, or 2%, or 5%, they probably have add ons. So, yeah, one of the things I do, I have a whole chapter dedicated to if you want to hire a property manager, here’s what you need to ask them. So one, I’m just going to throw out one question. I bet I could call up 20 property managers just here in my own backyard and ask them, What is your eviction ratio? And they won’t be able to tell me because they, you know, oh, we’ll see. You know, so mine was always less than 1%. Why? Because I had, I set expectations up front with my lease, and my document that I created with my lease agreement, and I have good communication, I’m organized. So you know, the you are going to have those tenants from time to time that don’t pay. But we didn’t have to go to eviction court very much. And so I’m happy to say that I’ve never even been to the point where, you know, they pile up poppers affidavit because we get them out, right now, I’m in Texas, you know, a little bit more friendlier than, you know, California in New York. But there’s there’s ways around avoiding eviction court.
Shannon Robnett 11:48
But there’s also that’s part of the strategy, right, you want to be when you’re becoming a landlord, you want to make sure that the deck is stacked in your favor, because you’re the one with the multi, the couple $100,000 asset or the multi million dollar asset, you’re the one that has everything really to lose. And so you want to make sure that you’re you’re taking that strategy and making sure that you’re protected as best you can. You know, one of the things that you’re talking about with your communication, your expectations. I hear this all the time. Well, I thought, yeah, I get that. But what does the document say? Right? Because we can understand that and we’ve actually gone through some of our early on with our leases and gone back in and very specific sections, made them initial this section, right? When somebody else moves in the property, initial this section, you’ve read it, you understand that they have to be on the lease, right? When you move in no dog, you get a dog, you have to read this section, here’s our pet policy, because people they read their lease maybe, or they just sign it right. Most people just come in and sign it. Right.
Nancy Wallace-Laabs 13:01
They just sign it. They don’t read it. We you know, yeah, I remember the first you know, first time around, and I had like a mentor to help me, you know, so I did, I made some mistakes. You know, but one of the things that I found out early on so in Texas, if you’ve got a pet and a dog and you know the the leases are at least 16 pages, if not more, right teeny tiny print, know, the tenants, I can guarantee you they’re not reading it, right. So what we did is I actually came up with a, an additional document, which is in the book, people get a copy of it. And we had like a welcome packet. And so in that welcome packet, they had to initial everything, because here’s a little tip, if you are a landlord, and you have your lease, make sure that your tenant is initialing on each page. Because if you have to go to court over a particular part of the lease, you know, the tenant can literally come back and say I never got that. So you always it’s always the onus is always on the landlord. So setting the expectations right up. And I know in Texas, it gets really, really hot, right? So we have right in, you know, pretty good section about repairs. And it just says air conditioning is not an emergency. Now, if you’re, you know ADT where you have babies than it is, but just because so I actually had a tenant one year, there was a couple and they were I would say in their 30s. So you know, working and they they were just they were on the verge of being evicted, they hadn’t paid the rent, while it was hot. And you know, they wanted us to come out and replace the air conditioning and they hadn’t paid the rent. Now this might sound cold to people as far as like but you know, it’s a business. And if you’re not collecting rents, and you will be amazed at how fast those tenants will pay rent and you go you know what, I can have somebody up there this afternoon as soon as I receive your certified ramp up the late fees. You know, because tenants you give them in this this generalization but if you give them an inch, they’re going to take a mile. So I actually learned that lesson very early on you know, I had a tenant that was habitually late, he ended up staying with me for like, six, seven years. And it was only because once you start accepting rent late from a tenant on an ongoing basis, it’s no, you can’t just go to court and say, Oh, well, their rent is due on the first and if they can show a pattern where I’ve accepted the rent, so don’t accept red light, stick to your guns.
Shannon Robnett 15:22
Right? You know, I getting this vision, Nancy of your next book, everything I learned in property management, that I’m applying to marriage counseling, right, because, you know, communication, right expectations, you know, you can’t leave your socks right next to the hamper. You got to put them in the hamper. You can’t, you know, but but it’s so true. And I’m, you know, I’m listening to you talk about this stuff. And it seems so basic, right? But this is the difference between the renter mentality and the entrepreneur owner mentality where we just assumed because we saved our pennies, right? We came up with the downpayment, we went out and spent our Saturday looking for a property, we, we think, like this, and so often, we forget that they don’t, that’s why they’re right, or they haven’t matured to that point. And they’re in that process. And a lot of that can be set with just the tone. When you say, Guys, you’re today’s the sixth policies, the fifth, you got a late payment penalty, hopefully, we don’t continue to do that, you know, again, they do it next month, same late penalty, they’re not going to continue to do that on a on an ongoing basis, more than likely, because they’re going to see that it’s not worth their time to continually not make it to the mailbox on time.
Nancy Wallace-Laabs 16:41
Right, exactly. And I think the landlords, what landlords have to really understand is the onus is on that, it’s not on the tenant, I mean, if you want a tenant that pays late, then you’re going to set the tone by accepting rent late and things like that, you know, I’m always asked about, like, emotional support animals. So I’m a pet lover, and all of my, even my Airbnb are pet friendly, you know, it’s just not, because 99% of people out there, you know, have a pet. So another tip is if you have a property, and it’s not leasing, you know, you need to accept pets, you don’t have to pause it and all that. But, you know, people are just human, but it’s a business, and it’s up to the landlord, it’s your business, you need to set the tone and the expectation with the tenant, I mean, I’m talking about me, I’m just saying, and you know, what, the, the tenant will respect you for that, they might not like it, you know, that they have to pay their rent, but at least when you tell them and you know, we were talking about the lease. So, you know, we have long, longtime tenants. And, you know, somebody signs a lease that they’re supposed to move in, you know, July one, they signed that lease on June 13. And about security deposit. So what happens, the most litigious part of being a landlord is the security deposit. So if you set the tone early on, you know, so when I meet with people that are moving, and once I’ve gone through the whole process, I go, Hey, I know it’s gonna be you know, a year or two down the road, but I just want to go over this section of how you can get your security deposit back. So let them know they can get it back. So that it’s not a complete surprise when they, you know, don’t clean the carpet or leave trash or whatever. So again, if the landlord just takes the responsibility there, your job will be so much easier.
Shannon Robnett 18:25
Yeah, you know, and it’s, it’s kind of funny, because the rental car business has done the same thing, right? They say, Hey, would you like us just to go ahead and fuel the car for you? Right? It’s the same expectation, because people now know that they can do that. And, and I’ve seen that with, with everything, you know, where we’ve taken that same policy, everybody’s got a pet, you might as well take it from a pain in the butt to an expectation that your dog Fido is a $350 non refundable deposit, and he’s 40 bucks a month. Tell me how much you love your pet. Everybody’s gonna pay it. You just created another revenue stream out of a headache, right? Yes. And then you still got to deal with, you know, did Fifi pee all over everything or that kind of stuff, right? But at least you’re dealing with it for a price, right? We’re getting that up front. Instead of we kept butting our heads against that, and you get this, you know, we fill out the online form and you pay five bucks and now you got a service animal and it’s not a service animal. I mean, you know, it’s a wolf for crying out loud. But we actually had a service go one time it was it was ridiculous, but we worked our way through that but you know, the things you learn in property management and, you know, back to this whole thing of people can go this on their own, they can learn the lumps and the and the knots and the, you know, going through the courts and dealing with late tenants or you can buy a book or you can learn from somebody else’s mistakes and you know, I’m Second generation builder, developer, fourth generation realtor. And I’ve learned from my parents I’ve learned from other people in the industry. And I’ve also learned that I’m not near as smart as I think I am. So when I want to go prove that I’m smart, I proved that the book that I should have read was probably where the smarts were. Because we can shorten that timeline. You also created that online community. Tell me a little bit more about that, and how that works.
Nancy Wallace-Laabs 20:26
Oh, yeah, I’m really excited about it. So prior to the COVID, I used to run a couple of meetups here in the Dallas Fort Worth area, I was a chapter leader for another larger investor group. And you know, at the COVID, kind of, we tried to keep it up, and just, you know, people were over zoomed. So I thought, you know, I want to start that up. Again, I missed the networking, want to have a little more control over my group’s, and I actually was a sponsor at a conference about the end of September, and I was meeting people from all over the country. And I think as an investor, I only have invested in Texas, but I would love to invest in you know, Florida, maybe not California, but other places. So we started getting people that were from other states. So number one I can learn about, well, everybody in the group can learn about what’s going on in different markets. So usually what happens on the east and west coast eventually makes its way to the Midwest, you can kind of keep track of different trends. The other thing is I bring education. So you know, we just launched this new one in October. But one of the interesting things I’m doing is looking at all different because the economy is changing, you know, interest rates have gone up. And real estate investors need to learn to diversify. So we’re actually having a guy come in and talk about the beginnings of, you know, if you were to look at oil and gas, is that a good investment right now you I mean, then we’ll have somebody come in and talk about multifamily and private money lending. So it’s going to be mostly education, but then it’s an online networking group that people can talk with one another. So let’s say, you know, somebody said, Oh, I have money to lend, and I have a property to buy, so there’ll be able to communicate. But yeah, we would love anybody that would love to reach out to me, it’s right in the format right now as a meetup, but we’re actually going to change it, I think, in December or January, to a more communal type of environment. But yeah, it’s all online.
Shannon Robnett 22:28
And just so you know, it’s not a 70s commune type of a situation.
Nancy Wallace-Laabs 22:35
You know, you know, right now we have, we’re doing zoom meet up and that kind of thing, but I think we’re going to move to a more, I don’t know what the, you know, the Techo name is for the can expand, and people can really communicate with one another.
Shannon Robnett 22:50
So well, you know, the real great thing about that is, you know, somebody may come into the group thinking that, Ah, man, I gotta figure out how to do this, I gotta buy real estate, I gotta do this. And then after hearing that, they may realize that, wait a minute, I can get a decent return, just being a lender, and put myself in first position to where I don’t have to deal with the headaches, I don’t have to deal with all these things. I can be a lender and get what I want out of it. That’s the community that really works. Because then what you started to do is you start assembling all the pieces, and then you realize every problem that a real estate person or an investor has can be solved in a group because you got the guy that says, oh, gosh, you know, I really have some capital gains I want to deal with while there’s oil and gas, or there’s this, you know, how do you transition? How do you deal with that, and all of those kinds of things can be solved. And I’ve found that being a part of that community has grown me more as a investor, as an educator, as someone that can bring value to people, because I’ve learned something, you know, where else to go and learn about oil and gas other than getting blasted in the face from…
Nancy Wallace-Laabs 24:02
And so we had an opportunity and I met you know, we don’t endorse anything or anything like that, but it was something I hadn’t been exposed to. I was like, Oh, I’m gonna have my group do this, you know, and the other thing I think that investors struggle with, especially when they’re new, is they don’t know like they have a lease they have something under contract they have a property but they just don’t you know, maybe they only know buying hold but they’re like well, this isn’t really gonna work well do they know about other strategies they could do right so then they can we can do deal analysis we can well this would be a good buy, not good buy. A lot of people ask me all the time, you know, well, we’re you know, where can I find a good Airbnb? Well, you know what, it depends. You know, if you have like no money for an Airbnb, like you might be able to buy it, but Jeremy Mehta stock, it probably doesn’t matter where it’s going to be, you know what I mean? Right. So I, you know, so that’s kind of my goal with the community. It’s a place where people can find answers. Yeah, I definitely don’t know anything. So I love the new community networking because, you know, I might meet somebody and like I met somebody that knew this oil and gas. And I was like, Well, that sounds really interesting. And just like a little precursor, the presentation that I saw, I was like, Oh my gosh, that’s our real estate model. So at first I didn’t think I was going to understand and everything. And then they start talking about their PUD, which is appreciation, and, you know, the tax benefits and the, you know, how they look at ROI. And a lot of the terms that they use for that type of investing. also translates to they’ll say, investing, so you don’t have to be a genius in oil and gas, understand how to invest in it.
Shannon Robnett 25:37
Yeah, and you know, that’s, that’s really true. And that’s the reality when you’ve got that, and then you’re sitting in a community group, right? So now you’ve got somebody that maybe has done it before, maybe their uncle did it. But you’re able to ask those questions, right? And you’re able to see that come together. And then you truly have that diversification, right? If we all look back on the last 12-14 months, 16 months at the beginning of COVID, when oil went to negative $40 a barrel, my goodness, wouldn’t that have been a great place to invest? And then realizing that the tax strategies with oil and gas are as good as real estate, and then being able to diversify back and forth and see that that’s not something you’re going to get? Because there’s not an oil and gas meetup.
Nancy Wallace-Laabs 26:24
Exactly. And just to let your viewers know, as long as I’ve been doing investing, this is the first. You know, I just learned about this maybe six weeks ago, and I go to tons of networking, I go to conferences. So I thought it was very interesting, because I didn’t really know anything. So I said, Well, you know what, I’m bringing this to the group. So I’m excited. And I think to the other thing with the education about, where are we going, as you know, where’s the housing industry going? Right? I mean, we know interest rates are going up, there’s a housing shortage, affordable housing is a problem. So there’s some ideas floating around, even in my own head about how that can be solved. And so I can go to this group and say, hey, you know, what do you guys think of this idea? And what if we pulled our money and made this happen kind of thing,
Shannon Robnett 27:11
Right. And you know, that’s where you’re going to get ideas that weren’t your own, or you’re going to get the spark for a new idea for yourself, and all of them awesome things. Because you’re going to grow, your education is going to grow, your investor mindset is going to grow, all of that’s going to happen. And that always happens in community, you know, that doesn’t just happen on its own. I mean, you know, you can find that information. But so often you find that that sparks in information, or, you know, like with this podcast, you’ve got a book that you can read that it’ll spark that conversation, it’ll get you going, right. So, Nancy, I really appreciate all of the information that you’ve given us, because you really do have the experience. And it shows I mean, it shows that, I mean, we don’t need to guess why you were featured in Forbes or realtor.com, or profit like a pro, right? Because you do express that knowledge. And the reality is that I love the fact that you’re trying to give back to the community, you’re trying to educate the community out of that people will become smarter, people will see that they need services that gives the opportunity for these things, but that’s not what you’re leading with. And I really appreciate that, because it really comes across in what you’re doing. If I’ve got a new investor that’s listening, if I’ve got somebody that is really thinking about what they should do, what is your one go to piece of advice for a new investor.
Nancy Wallace-Laabs 28:34
So I’m just gonna give them what I use when I first started out, so I still refer So Gary Keller, you know, who started Keller Williams Realty, wrote a book a long time ago, it’s the blue one, it’s the real estate millionaire, or how to become a real estate millionaire or something like that. And I read that book, even when I went even before I bought my first property, my mentor said, You need to read this book. And it was my Bible for buying single family homes. And I can share with the audience every time I strayed from my three bedroom, two bath 1500 to 1800 square foot formula, if you will, was not the best real estate deal, right? Those was That was my Bible. Then through the years, I’ve read lots and lots of books, but that’s how I got started. So I literally read that book in a day and a half, went back to my mentor said, I’m ready to buy my first house now. I had butterflies in my stomach. And I was like, you know, that I said, Okay, this is gonna work. And it’s been a proven strategy for rentals. So I said, that’s the first book. And then of course, I read my book, simple property management,
Shannon Robnett 29:41
Right? Even if you have no intention of being a property manager, it will be a good book for you to read that will show you whether or not the person you’ve selected is doing it, right. Correct. I mean, it’s like having a cheat code for whether or not this guy that you’ve hired or this gal that you’ve hired is doing it right by a pro Functional somebody,
Nancy Wallace-Laabs 30:01
I started out the first chapter. And it literally says something like property management. You either love it or you hate it. Yeah. And then it goes through all property management. But I do have a chapter like if you ended up loving it, I actually tell you how you can start a property management business. So
Shannon Robnett 30:17
Yeah, and I am someone that doesn’t love it. I do have a property management business inside my companies, because we know we need one, right? But I’m not the guy to run that. I know that much. Guys, if you haven’t figured it out, Nancy’s mantra is always be giving. And she’s definitely demonstrated. I want to tell you guys one more thing that Nancy does that she probably won’t tell you this, but she donates a portion of all of her book sales to hope store. That’s a nonprofit that helps families with domestic violence. That’s a fantastic cause. So not only is she educating, she’s giving back to the community. And guys, if you want to know more about where you can find Nancy shoot me an email at connect with ShannonRobnett.com. We’ll get you all of her book titles. We’ll get you all of our online information. You can connect with her there. Nancy, I want to say thanks again for joining us and being a part of our community. We look forward to being a part of yours as well. And the relationship we can build in the future.
Nancy Wallace-Laabs 31:15
That sounds like a plan. I love it. Thank you so much for having me on. And everyone have a great day and happy holidays coming out.
Shannon Robnett 31:21
Right exactly. So guys, you know the drill, like subscribe, share this with your friends. Send me a review. I love to hear your feedback. And guys, always be sure and tune in to the next episode of The Real Estate rundown.
Important Links:
- Show – Real Estate Syndication Podcast Past Episode
- Podcast – The Real Estate Syndication Show
- Spotify – Robnett’s Real Estate Run Down
- iTunes – Robnett’s Real Estate Run Down
- Instagram – Robnett’s Real Estate Run Down
- YouTube – Shannon Ray Robnett
About Nancy Wallace-Laabs:

Nancy Wallace-Laabs is a best-selling author, national speaker, and real estate investor. Nancy has been featured in Forbes, Realtor.com, and Profit Like a Pro and has been a guest speaker on numerous podcasts. She wrote “Winning Deals in Heels” and “Let Me Ask You This”, both books focus on steps and processes to succeed in real estate investing.
Nancy’s mantra is “always be giving” and she demonstrates this by donating a part of her book sales to Hope’s Door a non-profit that helps families heal from domestic violence. Nancy started The Real Estate Community for like-minded people to learn, share and grow in their real estate investing business. To join the Real Estate Community, email [email protected].
Website: www.nancywallacelaabs.com
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nancywallacelaabs/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZdIom0Dz_IiJuRnpkMuXkQ