Chris Prefontaine: How To Effectively Grow Your Income Streams Without Obtaining Bank Loans

Want to make a genuine living from real estate? The proper system must be in place, and you must know how to use it.

In this episode, Smart Real Estate Coach founder Chris Prefontaine teaches us, particularly real estate investors and entrepreneurs, how to effectively grow your businesses and revenue streams without using our own money, credit, or obtaining bank loans to purchase real estate.

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Chris Prefontaine: How To Effectively Grow Your Income Streams Without Obtaining Bank Loans

Hey, everybody, welcome to The Real Estate Rundown season three. We are excited today to have a friend of mine, Chris Prefontaine on the show. Good morning, Chris. How are you?

Good morning. I am great. Thank you.

So where in the world are you this morning, Chris?

Well, I am in Massachusetts this morning, but coincidental to where I grew up in this town. I’m usually in Rhode Island.

Okay. So, how long have you been in that part of the world?

Forever? Yeah, I was born and raised here in this town. Coincidentally, I have been around since 2004.

Yeah, great. Great. But that’s so. So Chris, tell us a little bit about your real estate story about how you and what your experience has been in real estate. How long have you been doing it? What’s working, where are you at now? Kind of just give us the five minute version of your whole life?

Yeah, I was gonna say 30 and a half years and five minutes. I can do that. I said, “Yeah, I’m from New England”. Yeah, so I started in ‘91. Went from building homes on literally on terms without taking bank loans out to owning a brokerage to then doing some condominium conversions all around the country. 

Then the lovely crash of ‘08 caused us to really take a look at what the heck was going on to re-engineer the business so that I never took off bank debt again, quite frankly, coming out of that nobody would give me a loan. But now that I look in hindsight, I don’t want one. 

So yeah, we re engineered everything she ended as you know, to buy on terms creatively. And that’s what we do to this day when I say “we”. Context: Zack who you know, my son a lot, my son Nick, and then a great team and we do our own properties. And then we teach people all around the country at the same time. So I have two different businesses going on.

So Chris, we hear all the time that buzzword “no money”, right. Buying on terms we hear this all the time. And we all know that it sounds way too good to be true. You’ve only been doing this now for

Laser focus for 13. So what, nine years.

So nine years what’s the property volume dollar amount you guys have done as your person your those three guys you just mentioned your son your son in law you how much volume Have you guys done in these? No money involved loans? No money down loans?

Yeah, we’ve controlled and or closed out of already about 80 plus million

$80 million. 


So it’s really easy for you just with your personal track record to prove that it can’t be done. I mean, $80 million is not a fluke. 


The next question that everybody probably asked you is, “Well the market is so hot. Nobody would want to sell a house on terms.”

Yeah, the question that comes up now.

You’ve stopped doing I’m assuming since the market is so hot. You guys have stopped doing business, have had no loans to do in the last two years while the markets have been toasty.

Not quite so, quite the contrary. What’s cool is this stuff has, you know, been done since the 1600s. Right? I didn’t invent creative real estate but all we did is wrap a system around it and trademark some cool paydays. But we’ve done a ton of deals. What happens is we just operate in different pockets when the market pivots. 

For example, either for sale by owner Seller is a good prospecting target for us right now. No, they’re still selling in most markets, but are tired landlords? Are expired listings? Are free and clear properties with savvy financial people that want terms? All those are great candidates for absentee owners at the COVID. There’s never a shortage of leads. It’s what pond you fish in based on the market conditions.

And because you’re in Rhode Island, this only works in Rhode Island, because you’ve lived there your whole life, right?

Yeah, no, we’ve got people east to west east, the West Coast. Hey, listen to the questions you’re asking you. And I chuckled about how sadly people get tripped up with that joke.

That’s why I’m asking him in the fashion that I’m asking. Right? Because it does seem hilarious, because you know, I’ve been doing this for 27 years, right? In my niche, and my niche is very different from your niche. 


But the thing is, the riches are in the niches. We hear that right. We also hear that snitches get stitches. And that’s not to be confused, right. But the reality is, at the end of the day, if you know how to do the system, the system works, whether we’re in a great market, whether we’re in a terrible market, you know, I talk with wholesalers all the time that are killing it right now. Right? Yeah, because they have a system. 

And what you keep coming back to and what I’ve heard you and Zack talk about a lot is the system that you have. So now that we’ve established that $80 million, that’s legit, okay, and now that we’ve established that you can do this anywhere in the nation, that’s legit. Let’s talk about this system. And what happens in this system, if someone wants to get involved with this, from a real estate perspective of, “I want to do no money down loans, I want to do this system that you’ve talked about”. How does one do this?

Yeah, so let me without, I’m not watering it down intentionally. But let me just stop basic. And you and I can peel the onion back if we want. The fact is so many, you and I know so many seminars and courses and crap out there that it’s a lot of fluff, frankly. 

And so what we’ve said is alright, if there’s, in my opinion, a gap in the industry, from the time someone watches a seminar, or goes to a seminar now hopefully, and then does a deal, we notice a gap there, how do we fix it? Well, it doesn’t have the system… we do it with the student. 

That’s how we fix that. That’s how we do an interactive arrangement where we’re doing deals together. Now, having said that, going back foundationally, the systems… 

Everything we do as a family company, so from lead generation, what we just talked about those different cell sources, to CRMs, to scripts, to deal structuring all that we throw out in our course to the point where mentors say to us other mentors competition, say, what you’re giving them everything? 

Why would you do that? Why don’t you break that up until like 10 courses? It’s not what we’re about, we say, here’s our easy system. And then let’s do these deals together, versus trying to market a bunch of crap. I don’t know if that makes sense. But I can go backwards. 

Oh, it does. Because you know, I’ve been around you and your son in law, Zack, and I’ve met your other son. But he’s kind of more in the background. If I remember 

He does like, buyer’s specialty moves within our business. Bingo. Like, that’s all he does. And he nails that. But that’s all he does. 

Right. But the reality is, if you’re here to do deals, you’re here to get your students to do deals. And the immersion process is really kind of how I’ve seen your business model work.

Here’s the stuff you need from A to Z, we’re gonna get you up and running so that we have successful students so that we can make sure that you’re going to make this work, right. I mean, when people pay good money for a course, for 13 years of knowledge for $80 million worth of proof. 

Why water it down and make him pay again and again and again, and only get so far. So I really appreciate that approach. I haven’t added any no money down guys on my show, because there is so much of that. That’s why I’m you know, that’s why we’ve had the conversation that we’ve had about, you know, let’s talk about your proof. Right? 

Yep. So I appreciate that. 

When we come to that, we’re talking about this. How do I get started? I mean, you know, if I’m gonna get immersed in your course, I show up on day one, where do we go?

Yeah. A couple things. I’m big on free, right. So I just want to be transparent with the viewers. I want to make sure like, I’m not so naive to think my niche because you just said everybody’s in different niches. I’m not so naive to think it’s it, but I am going to talk as if I’m assuming that to your question. 

Once you decide that that’s the niche, I would camp out a little bit on our YouTube channel, which is free because we very candidly break down 150 — must be up to now maybe more — deals where we show our trademark three pay days, and we don’t just show the fluff because that’s easy. 

I can show you all the big deals. We show the crappy deals, we say where we screwed up, we say, well we tweaked the contract because we got burnt, we show you everything. So that’s a good place. Second is at the end of the show, I’ll give a very specific link for just your tribe. That’ll give them my best selling book. 

We throw some other stuff in there too. And it’s not $6 in shipping. I’m gonna give it to you. So those that’s the first two answers. Then there is an online academy. If you say okay, I get it. Like I see the potential the social proof is there let me dive into the academy. For less than 1000 bucks you’re in the academy, we don’t hold stuff back. We don’t say, “Oh, you got to buy this course”. Now, we just say here it all is. And you want to go do deals on your own? Do it. You want to go faster, have less mistakes, do it with us. And either one is okay.

Right? And so, the reality is, you know, I mean you’re not this isn’t one of those. I’m up at 2am eating Cheetos watching an infomercial and I do something stupid the next morning I can’t undo it. So I got to try and you know, fake my way through this academy. 

This is: Go look at the YouTube, go figure that out, read the book, go through that, and then if you still want to do it and you’re really understanding what you’re getting into then let’s get down to business. 

Let’s do this academy. So in the academy… I mean let’s talk about the last deal you did Chris, let’s use that as an example. Where did you let’s start with where did you get the lead?

Yeah, so let’s take one this is a different one now bingo came into my mind cuz we just wrapped this deal up. So we got the lead from an expired listing, but punchline it was a realtor. How is it her house? This and people say to me, “Why would you do this?” Wait to hear the rest. This is crazy. So she’s got a house on the water and Plymouth masses by Cape Cod’s tourist area.

Yeah, a real dump. Right?

It’s on a bluff overlooking the open ocean. So that begs the question still, this gets deeper. So she’s debt free. She owes nothing on the property. She can’t sell it. She’s a Boston realtor. She agrees to owner financing. 

When we structure on a financing, we usually structure principal only payments, she agrees to 945,000 in purchase price, she agrees that now we broke the mold Shannon, we don’t usually put money down. But on a $945,000 house, we put a whopping $8,000 down. And we agreed she agreed to $2,500 a month principal only payments. So 30 grand a year just comes right off her principal, no interest. 

Now it gets better. So after we do the deal with her, she says we close on it and she’s out. She says, “Can I move back in with my mother in law?” because the whole reason she was selling it. She wanted closure because she’s got some health issues with her mother-in-law, she just wanted a quote. So we let her move back in. 

Here’s the arrangement, we won’t pay the $2,500 a month. But $2,500 a month will come off of principal automatically as if you were getting rent from you, but we’re not paying anything. And you’ll keep the house up, you’ll pay the taxes, you’ll pay the landscape. All we’re paying is his homeowners insurance at this point. So she stays a couple of years. Then she leaves again. 

She goes to South Carolina to buy a house, they tell us you need more seasoning to sell your house. So you cash out your house. So she comes back and rents it from us again. Same house. So we knew we never got to our model of putting a rent to own buyer in there. Like we usually do this to then cash the property out. She then leaves this six months ago, we sell it conventionally for like 1.2 or a little under it. After all that principal paid down for four years.

So I know you’re not supposed to ask this question. Why did she do it? Because I know you don’t totally know exactly why she did it. But I think you have your theories as to why she wanted to get into the sale arrangement with you in the first place?

I think to this day I tell a story on stage. People come up and go and I give a different opinion as my mind evolves. Right? 


The mother-in-law being sick was like a stress and “I gotta also sell this house”. I think that’s part of it. Secondly, she did eventually want to move to south carolina after she got cashed out she went back there. Third, as a realtor, I think she was a little more panicky than she could be about the market. You know, they get tainted by the media and the board relatives, everything else. So honestly it’s all I can tell you because I don’t know why else you do it other than closure. Right? 

Right. Well, and that’s true. And that goes back to the fact that you don’t really know, it doesn’t pay to sit there and try and hypothesize as to why the fact is, you did and you know it’s funny because everybody thinks with the term realtor behind their name. They are real estate professionals.

Actually as a fourth generation realtor, my son is a fifth generation realtor. If you look at What they’re licensed as they’re licensed as a real estate salesperson, it doesn’t necessarily mean that they are a real estate professional. As in they own and operate real estate as their primary business. They sell it as their primary business. 

So they are not really that different from the guy selling posters, or the guy that sells cars or the gal that’s, you know, selling hot tubs. They know how to sell a product, it doesn’t necessarily mean that they are intricately involved with all the ins and outs of that. The other thing…

We’ve just nailed two things if I can say it. 

Yeah, go ahead. 

One is, I wish I knew this stuff when I was reaching my 18 years, before I resigned my license on purpose, because I wouldn’t have been doing just one payday on a treadmill. I wouldn’t have been… I would have been developing some wealth and I would have had a blast.

I would have been the expert that could show sellers other objects I wish I did. Secondly, to your point they’re no different. The CPUs that continued, I found to not be applicable to anything in life and real estate ever. But that’s what they get trained on. So it’s crazy to me, in hindsight,

Well, you know, the funny thing is to run down that rabbit hole one more step, as you know, you have to take the ethics class. And if you have to take the ethics class and learn anything, that’s scary, right? Oh, you never, you’re not gonna believe this, I just realized I can’t lie. I just realized I have to disclose things. 

But you know, we had a tax seminar, here, Lunch and Learn at my office yesterday. And one of the things we talked about was this exact thing of why it would be advantageous for someone to do an owner’s carry, especially if they’re in a retirement phase of life.

They’re trying to, they can pay capital gains on the whole amount. They can, you know, there’s all these different things that they can do. But if it’s their primary residence, when they sell it, they’ve got certain things to do, where if they take the long term, and they get the payments, it’s passive income. How does that work? You know, especially in a situation like this, where a lady has a million dollar house, right? If she sells maybe she’s owned you, you indicated it was debt free. So I’m going to assume a long term hold of 20 years or so. She may have only paid 200 for the house, the IRS is only going to exempt her from 250 of the profit. So now she’s at 450, which means that everything else above that is going to be taxed at capital gains.


And maybe this is a better tax way. And she sets herself up to receive long term income. I mean, there’s a lot of reasons there that it doesn’t really benefit you to find the reason why it just benefits you to have an option for someone that’s looking for something a little bit different than standard, right?

Yeah. And we just did one as you were saying that. Another deal. We were three years old in 1892. We’re almost four years in. But in my office building I’m not there. Today, I’m remote because of what’s going on with some family challenges. But my office building, Zach and I and Nick hang out and we have some good tenants. 

We bought that owner financing on a 20 year note with a guy that was very he’s the biggest landowner in the area. He sadly passed away about six months ago. So he knew what he was doing. Why did he do it? All we did, you just said to estate planning, cash flow for his wife and son and it’s working because she he passed sadly, tax reasons that you just said he the four bit us that he’s don’t refi I forgot to put a prepay, but I do not want you to refi and cash me out like he wanted 20 years. And here’s the caveat to that one. 

I tried to do principal only for the whole 20. He said no, no, no, I don’t do that I do interest. I said, Well, I’m principal. So what we came up with was we hammered principal down for the first 18 or 24 months. He led us through that. And then we took the remaining balance and amortized that we both were happy by hammered principal down. Right? That short term all that Wednesday. So it was all kinds of, you know, variations?

Well, I mean, I’m sitting here in my office, that is an owner carry office building that I owe, that’s a syndication, right. And the reality was it works. It worked for us if the situations were right. You know, this owner had owned this for a while he had massive equity in it. He needed some money to move on to the next deal, doing 1031. What better way to do it, it worked for him on a tax structure.

It worked for me, it was better than the bank, and he’s getting the benefit of that. And I’m getting the benefit of that. And in your situation, especially when you have an owner that’s in failing health. You’re now the person that’s taking care of it. Now I have a situation where I have the benefit of receiving income every month without the need to make sure the roof doesn’t leak. 

Yeah, exactly where his head was. Yep. 

And so he I mean, it wouldn’t matter that he had all these other properties. Those are all tax problems for him. They’re maintenance and management problems for him. Are there questions that his wife who’s maybe close to the same age having the same health issues isn’t going to be able to answer and maybe the son doesn’t want it? So there’s all these kinds of reasons. 

And oftentimes, it’s just like we talked about at the start of the show, Chris, a lot of people say… Well, you this can’t be done because of this, because of this, because of this yet professionals, what I would call you and your and your team, real estate professionals, because you do this day in day out all the time, and you make it work through the system. Because you’re consistent, right. 

And the other thing that I know, Chris, and you mentioned your team, and I think team is important, especially for listeners and viewers that are wanting to know how to do this. One of the things that I had dinner with some friends the other day, and you know, he was kind of commenting that wow, you know, you’re really kind of I mean, this, this seems so easy for you. And I’m like, yeah, it’s only been 20 years in the making. 

I mean, it only took me 20 years to be an overnight success, right. And I wouldn’t call myself an overnight success, but where you’re able to team up with your students with yourself , your son and your son in law. And go look, guys, don’t don’t take my word for it. I’ve got $80 million worth of people that have done this thing with me that you can talk to that you can deal with that you can, the proof is in what we’ve already done. 

So now, I’m joining your team. I’m following your system. I’m like, Hey, listen, I don’t know that I have the answers. But Chris and his team can answer some of these questions. We can get it done.

Right? Yeah, exactly. Right before this call, I have one of our students not too far from me. He’s annoying when he’s in New Hampshire, coincidentally, but he called me and said, “Chris, I’m confused”. And he went to his numbers with me. I told him exactly what to say. 

And I said, if you get stuck again, I’ll call the guy tomorrow, like we just do as a team. Can you imagine like, if you had to go at that alone, he’d get it done. But it’d be frustrating, he’d have doubts and who knows how long it would take.

Right? And this is just you know, and this is the thing I love about what I do here, Chris. I just educate people because I think that 85% of the reason that the crash of ‘08 happened 100% of the reason the crash happened was Wall Street’s greed, right? 85% of the reason that we allowed it to happen as the people is because like you said, we’re not as educated as real estate professionals, as we often should be. 

So this show is about educating people that you can do this, you can make this your niche. You can employ this or you can say, hey, I’ve got a one off, right. But all of it is about solving the problem of the two underlying people. Now, you said there’s multiple paydays. So we’ve talked about how you get a house? What do you do with it once you get it?

Yeah, so most of them, unlike that ocean story that we talked about. Most of them are rented to own exits, at least short term because it’d be another whole show to talk about in advance. So short term is rent on. And here’s a caveat with that, though. 

If you go on YouTube now, which I encourage everybody to do on different educators sites, they will publicly say — I’ve heard on podcasts too, on the rental and programs — you can stick a buyer in your house don’t qualify him, and don’t see if they’re a real buyer. Let them default and then do it again. 

Yeah, it might be okay legally for them the way they’re set up. But it’s morally and ethically bogus. So here’s how we do it. When a true buyer, a true virus, someone that had a credit during maybe during COVID, or a divorce or death, legit stuff in life that happens that it’s unfair, they then can’t go buy a house, when they have a legit buyer like that, or during COVID a massive influx of people going into their own business. 

That’s a true stat, like massive influx of entrepreneurship, they need two years of seasoning. So all these people who we deal with are good buyers, not renters that want to be someday and have had bad credit for 30 years. So then we get them qualified, we get a mortgage ready plan that might say seasoning or might say say more or might say well fix your credit, whatever it might be. 

We get the term that that’s going to take them how long it would take you to be mortgage ready, we then match that with one of our deals that fits within so we make everybody happy on the seller and buyer and that’s it. We set them up to win. Now does that mean we have no failure? No, of course not. You know, openly as I always am and blunt. Does life still happen? Despite all these things? We check off the ball. Yeah. COVID death, by the way, we’ve had them all death, divorce everything. So 2% to 5% per year fallout. That’s hardly any nothing…

Less than FHA and Fannie Mae. I would imagine. Not that exact stat.

I don’t either. But yeah, I never heard that said but you’re probably right.

Yeah. So really in again, Chris, this is you… I mean, preaching to the choir here because you have a moral and ethical obligation, because that’s really what caused ‘08 to happen was the people that were putting out those funky loans had no moral and ethical obligation in their body, because they would have never let people get into those loans. 

They would have never made a business out of getting people into places they couldn’t get out of. Right? Right. So when we look at this, now you’re putting a buyer in there. So now you got it from a seller with little or no money down. Yep, you put in a tenant, owner buyer, that eventually we’ll take you out with a mortgage at some point down the road. 

Right? So you’re basically arbitrage of the whole deal because you didn’t put your money in, you’re not the one paying the rent. But you’re making money in the middle because of the delta between what you’ve arranged with the seller and what you’ve got coming in for rent. You’ve also made, because it’s a lease purchase, you’ve made the buyer, the maintenance man.

Yeah, 100% Correct. So the three, the three paydays line up within that formula that you just perfectly said back, payday one, they put a down payment down, remember, they had a down payment, they just found out “Oh, man, I can’t get financing today, okay, give it to us”. You’re good. Get in the house, we’ll treat you like a buyer. 

You’ll capture equity like a buyer, your price is locked in you are a buyer, you just don’t have a mortgage pay day two, the small spread between what I’m paying the bank or the seller and what they’re paying me pay day three, all of the principal pay down realized on that deal goes to us, not the seller, not the buyer. And then any markup. So average real metrics. Our family team is around 75 grand per deal. 

Three paydays, the students, West Coast, East Coast, 45 grand is a low 250s, the high end some really killer deals, and the higher price ranges were just not there. We’re at the lower end of it. But there’s some really cool deals in the community.

And you know, that’s funny, because a lot of people go, “Oh, well, he’s got money, he doesn’t need my help”. Those high end houses, they don’t need my help, man. They’re real people, just like the rest of us. 

They have, like the rest of us, right, and much easier to deal with. 

Because they have other sources of income. Their home is not their only asset in a lot of cases, right? 


It’s funny, because I just heard that Grant Cardone. And this is not a comment about Grant as a person, whether you like him or hate him, it doesn’t matter to me. But he just bought his first house, right? Because he’s been renting this whole time. Because if you look at it, the downpayment was something he didn’t want to take out of his business. 

When you look at he’s used all his money to build his business. Now his business is built for him, right. So there’s a lot of reasons why, and it’s not up to you, like we’ve discussed multiple times, it’s not up to you to decide why people buy or sell this way. It’s just up to you to structure it properly. 


So what I heard you say, and I just wanted some clarity. When you move a buyer in, you are setting them up, you said there’s no mortgage, but you’re really are you running an amortization schedule? Are you doing a rent-to-own?

Rent? Oh, no amortization? And I’ll give you a caveat in a second. But they have a lease vehicle that gives them no credit for the principal yet, because if I did that, more than a bank would give them a name, why would they go get a loan, they find a way to delay it. So it’s a leased vehicle to get on there. The sooner you can get there, you’re usually lowering your monthly costs by taking ownership

And you’re not taking any write down. You’re not. You’re not having to do any fancy accounting, you’re just receiving rents. You’re not doing rent and principal and interest and all that because that would you know that would do then you need a really specialized accountant for that. Here. You’re just receiving rent. It’s very, very simple, except for in that lease agreement. Who’s the landlord who first goes out?

There’s no landlord responsibility. They treat it like they’re the buyer. They are. We say this… we had a call last week, my son Nick just told me this. He deals with the buyers and he said, Dad, this guy was in the house for like a month, a month. And the furnace checked out fine. 

The furnace, something happened to it. And when the guy called and said, hey, just a heads up. I know I gotta do it. I’m putting in a new furnace. I told my son, “That’s your buyer mentality”.

Right? And this guy knows. And this is the funny thing when it’s a buyer mentality. They know that if they come to you and say, Hey, Chris, I need a new furnace, and I don’t have the money. I don’t have the ability. 

You’re gonna say, okay, that $160,000 house is now going to be $167,000 because I had to pay $7000 for the furnace. Right? But they’ve got that mentality that it’s their responsibility. They’re not calling you and saying, “Hey, when are you going to come cut the grass?”.

Right? They do go one step further, actually. Yes to your first comment. That’s one option. Second option. If there’s any more many more mess ups, we’ve put in writing that, you know, if they start to get the renter mentality of not taking responsibility. They become a renter, as long as they’re paying their monthly rent. 

And then at the end of that deal, even though we’re selling the house, has that happened? Yes. Some of my content is to do it. I don’t ask myself why, but that has also happened. So it just depends on what, how they’re going to perform. If they miss out on any deposits or the maintenance and they maintain their rent. We respectfully leave him there as a renter.

Sure, you know, and that’s just I mean, that’s ingenuity at its finest. And, you know, again, it’s only taking you 13 years to come up with the system. I wouldn’t recommend it if you are listening to this and you like the challenge, and you’d like to do things the hard way, don’t contact Chris, do it yourself. Figure out all these documents yourself, right? Don’t figure out how to beat the system and make it easy. If you’re the guy that does want to figure that out. Chris, where can they find you on the worldwide web?

I appreciate the main site is

You can go to YouTube and get those videos –

We did create a link just for your team, your tribe – All you do is put in your address, we’ll ship it, we’ll pay every penny. And you’ll probably get some extra goodies in there, too.

Awesome. So guys, if you want to know also where you can find Chris’s, you can go to our website, Shannon,, you can go to the contact us or the info tab, you can go in there, you can check out the direct link to his YouTube page, you can also get a copy of our book that’s coming out that I’m featured in. 

But guys, this is the importance of understanding. And Chris, I got to commend you, because you have I think really put the coach in coaching because you’re really encouraging people to understand through free channels.

Get this through your YouTube section on smart real estate How to understand what you’re getting into before you spend any money? Because that’s what I think a lot of people do when they watch these things. 

It’s too good to be true or it’s painted as easy. And it’s not that it’s too good to be true. But Chris after doing $80 million worth of real estate done this way. You can do this in your sleep in an hour. What would take me two days, right?

Likewise, every niche like yes, stuff I gotta go on. So it’s just yeah, it’s not brain science once you’re in the niche. 

No. And so guys, I would encourage you to check out Chris at his

Check us out at the Real Estate Rundown where you get your podcast Spotify, click on the links like us, we also have a YouTube channel. We’d love to have you there. Chris, I want to say thank you again for coming on the show and educating our listeners. We look forward to seeing how this turns out for everybody.

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About Chris Prefontaine:

Chris Prefontaine is the best-selling author of Real Estate on Your Terms: Create Continuous Cash Flow Now, Without Using Your Cash or Credit. He’s also the founder of and the Smart Real Estate Coach Podcast.

Chris has been in real estate for over 25 years. His experience includes the construction of over 100 single-family and duplex homes (mostly in the 1990’s and selectively to date), has owned a Realty Executives Franchise (Massachusetts 1994-2000) as broker/owner which maintained high per-agent standards and eventually sold to Coldwell Banker in 2000. The 2000’s included coaching ½ million and higher REALTORs® in order to scale & automate their business throughout the US and Canada. He also participated (and still does selectively) in doing condo conversions (multi-family homes to condos) and “raise the roof” projects (converting single-family ranches to colonials in growth neighborhoods).

Chris has been a big advocate of constant education and participates regularly in high-end mastermind groups, as well as consults with private mentors. He runs his own buying and selling businesses with his family team, which buys 2-5 properties monthly, so they’re in the trenches every single week. They also help clients do the same thing around the country.

Chris and his family team have done over 80 million in real estate transactions. They mentor, coach, consult, and actually partner with students around the country (by application only) to do exactly what they do.

Visit their website: