Investing in multifamily properties is a great way to leverage capital in the world of real estate. In this episode, Kent Ritter and I talk about how his company, Hudson Investing, has gained profit through small multifamily investing and how Kent uses technology to add value for his tenants. He also reveals how he built a company that aligned with his mission and how you can do the same.
Kent is on a mission to create modern, affordable housing for America’s workforce while empowering others to take control of their financial future through real estate investing. Since 2019, Kent led the acquisition of 440 units and deployed over $6 Million worth of investor capital into cash-flowing real estate through his firm, Hudson Investing.
If you want to learn more about how to passively invest like a pro and take control of your future through real estate investing, Kent has all the information you need to get there and more. Tune in and hear what Kent says on this episode of The Real Estate Rundown.
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Kent Ritter: Multifamily Investing
You’re going to want to catch the next episode because we’re going to interview Kent Ritter. If you haven’t heard about what Kent’s doing, you’re going to want to see what this guy’s doing because not only is he looking at being involved in multifamily buying, selling and things like that but Kent is focused on making a social impact in his multifamily investing. You’re going to want to see what he’s talking about. You’re going to want to come back and check it out. He is going to drop some absolute gems on you. Don’t miss it. Come join Kent Ritter on the show as we explore multifamily.
It is my pleasure to talk with Kent Ritter in this episode. Kent, how are you?
I’m doing amazing, Shannon. Thanks for having me on the show.
Kent, we spoke and you gave me this incredible story that it wasn’t just about investing with you, how you got involved in multifamily and all this kind of stuff. Take us through your evolution as Kent Ritter, the business professional where you got to be involved where you’re at and where you’re going forward.
Let me take you back a little bit. I started as a management consultant. I graduated from college, moved to Chicago and spent twelve years traveling around the country, helping big companies solve big problems. They didn’t call us if things were going well. They called us when they had problems and couldn’t solve them themselves. In that line of work, I got good at one, diagnosing issues. Two, figure out how to quickly solve them, creating a vision to do that and being able to get all the people, many of whom didn’t want to change or didn’t want to get on board, figure out how to get them on board and get them all moving in the right direction. I feel that’s important because that has been a valuable skill as I’ve transitioned to be a real estate investor.
Most problems in life come from poor communication. If you have good communication, you can get through a lot of things.
The funny thing is that what I hear you saying is you are Kent Ritter, the cat herder and getting everybody’s reaction. It’s funny because everybody thinks about real estate. Everybody knows the end goal but everybody in real estate has a different goal. Getting everybody headed in the same direction is a difficult thing to do. People who aren’t involved in it have no idea. Even in a single-family home transaction, you’ve got the realtor that’s got their objective, the mortgage guy that’s trying to get you the loan that he thinks is best for you, the home warranty guy and the inspector who’s got a buddy who needs the home repair work. You’ve got all these people involved. You got officer. You’ve got all these people trying to get them on the same page and move in the same direction. It’s not an easy skill. Most people in real estate guys don’t have that skill. The fact that you recognized that was going to be so important in your later life, Kent.
A lot of it comes back to the things that are to me, one of which is communication. Most problems in life come from poor communication. If you have good communication, you could get through a lot of things. It starts there and it’s about being organized. I think that context is important. In 2010, a few colleagues of mine and myself left a company. We were out to start our own business. We started our boutique management consulting firm. We ran that from 2010 to 2015 when we exited. In that time, we grew it from literally five guys around a kitchen table. You think about a startup story to 95 employees and $30 million in annual revenue. At that point, we thought it was the right time to exit.
We sold it at the end of 2015 and I had done a little bit of real estate investing passively before that but that’s what kicked off my real estate journey was. I had this capital from the exit that I wanted to invest. I knew I didn’t want to have all my eggs in one basket and the stock market. I started doing more research, fell in love with real estate, had some great mentors along the way who helped me skip some of those traditional steps of becoming a single-family landlord and then moving to multifamily. I got right into multifamily avoided just buying one multifamily on my own and being the master of that came to having nothing else and learned about syndication. Once I learned about syndication in that model where you can pool people’s money together. I can bring people on with me, go and buy a bigger, better asset than I’d be able to own my own.
The light bulb went off and I was like, “This is it. This is all I want to do.” I spent 2016 to 2019 learning everything I could about that because I was self-aware enough to know that there’s a lot I didn’t know. There’s probably a lot I didn’t even know I did know. I went through several mentoring programs, some formal coaching, every podcast and book you could read, probably 10 or 12 conferences one year. I started passively investing in a lot of other people’s deals to see how they operated, get inside the deals and start to understand what’s going on. Fast forward to October 19, I purchased the first property as a part of the general partnership that’s leading the syndication. We purchased 250 units down in Atlanta.
We came full circle on that deal. We sold it in June. It was a home run for the investors. That’s a big milestone. You get that first one through and sold. In 2020, I formed a mentorship with a gentleman here in Indianapolis who’d been in real estate for about 30 years. He had been helping me along through the process. In 2020, he asked me to come on board to join his private equity firm and build my company off of his platform. The idea would be that I can grow 10X in doing that. I joined up with the company Virgin held and through 2020 and the beginning of 2021, I worked with them. We did three syndications that I ran from beginning to end source the equity secured, the debt, underwriting, everything, putting those together. In 2021, I decided that it was time for me to get back out on my own as the entrepreneur in me. I wanted to plant my own flag. Now I’m out operating on my own. We are rocking and rolling. We’ve got several deals under contract and we’re finding more.
Before you jump all in on a property, it’s great to be able to dip your toe in the water.
You’ve gone from one stepping stone to another that furthered your education every single time. You went through a consulting company that solved problems for other people around the business. This is the one thing that I’ve always wished I could have done as a serial entrepreneur. I’ve always owned my own companies. When you do that, you can’t knock on the door and invite yourself in to look at how they run things but I have been able to look at other people’s businesses and I’ve been able to see when you’re not the operator, you can look at it, see more clearly and easier why it is not working.
There’s no emotional attachment to it.
Why do you do this? It started with Bobby when years ago we started working from 6:00 in the morning until 3:00 because he had to get off work and go pick up his kids from school. That’s what we did. Nobody thought that’s not the business hours you want to have. It’s those thought processes as silly as that get entrenched in a business. You were able to see how other people’s models worked and what worked about them and what didn’t make any adjustments that they needed you to make.
Then you were able to take that and apply that to real estate or fundraising. Now you’re out on your own. I envy you because you’ve been able to take other people’s successes, failures and learn, watch those, help manipulate those, help grow those and slowly have made that transition. From 2010 to now, that’s not a slow process to be able to go from where you were to where you are is not slow at all but you’ve been able to do it with a lot of insight, knowledge and track from other people. The fact that you also mentioned you’ve been through several mentoring programs. You’re ahead of a lot of people because you’ve realized the value of other people’s value.
I think that’s where people can be short-sighted. I don’t have a mentoring program, so I’m not trying to sell myself but one of the mentoring programs I signed up for that was $25,000 and that’s a lot of money. The way I started to think about it was, “If I can avoid one $50,000, $100,000 or even larger mistake, it’s worth it every day of the week.” I have been able to avoid some pretty big mistakes because I’ve had that backstop and that person I can go to when they’re experienced.
The thing that a lot of people fail to do is invest in themselves but they want other people to invest in them. They fail to see the fact that without that relate-ability and basic knowledge, you can learn all this yourself and I’m living proof of it. It’s taken me 27 years to do what you’ve done in eleven. I wouldn’t say that’s intelligence but there’s a lot to that. You don’t have to go through all the heartache and different difficulties that other people have gone through if you’re willing to pay for it one way or the other end to accelerate that learning curve.

A lot of people fail to see that it is an investment that’s worth it. It’s been as of late can, in all honesty, candidly, between you, me and a couple of thousand readers that I began to see the value of diving in hard to mentorship and to be able to let other people pour into me and to streamline my business model and to make my business practice better. That’s a realization that I wish I could go back and have. That’s the one conversation I would have with my twenty-year-old self.
That’s great insight at any time. One thing that you said stuck out to me because it’s the way I think about it is, “You’re going to pay for one way or the other.” That’s exactly right. You’re going to pay the mentor to mentor you or you’re going to make a mistake and you’re going to pay for it that way. You’re paying for the education one way or the other.
How many people have you met that absolutely adore real estate? Let me rephrase that a little bit better. There are always people that think they’re going to love it more than they do. You could have learned that with your first mentor that real estate isn’t the career for you and it might not be. We’ve run into people that go, “I don’t know what I was thinking, but I hate Math.” “The syndication’s probably not what you want to be jumping to.” “I hate talking to banks. I don’t like the tenants.” It’s all these things that if you had that insight, you might not have picked.
I talked to a lot of investors who are coming to me now to invest passively who are single-family landlords and they’re in that situation, “I went out and bought these because I wanted to be in real estate. I hate dealing with the tenants. I hate having to be on call and fixing toilets.” To your point, now they’re finding a passive approach which fits better for them and what their passions are. I agree that before you jump in on a property, it’s great to be able to dip your toe in the water like you’re talking about.
That’s where a lot of people fail to realize that a mentorship program would have taught you that, “Here are the systems you’ve got to set up. Here’s what you’re going to do when you’re going to go into the wholesaling market.” A lot of people don’t realize the work that’s involved until they’re involved. One of the other things that you like to do with yours is a particular genre of housing. You after workforce housing. Why are you so focused on that?
For a couple of reasons. One from an investment standpoint, there are fantastic opportunities there. This supply of the properties, the tenant demographic, where you have folks who are largely renters by necessity versus by choice. You have a lot of lifetime or long-term renters. If you can create a good experience for them, you can create a lot of loyalty and you avoid a lot of turnovers. You can have a pretty stable investment. That’s kind of the investor side of things but I think there’s also a huge opportunity to make an impact in these people’s lives because one of the things that I believe in is that everybody should just have access to clean, safe, affordable housing. When I say workforce housing, I think of our typical tenant is somebody, where their family income is between like $40,000 to $60,000 a year.
A lot of these folks are living in buildings that are 40, 50, even 60 years old. A lot of the owners are that my experience is mismanaging or not managing as well as they could. They maybe don’t have the capital to keep infusing into the property to keep it up. We’re able to come in and infuse that capital. We’re adding led lights or security cameras. We’re making the property safer. We’re renovating the units, cleaning up the property and adding amenities like playgrounds, dog parks, gazebos, grilling stations, general things but are able to improve the experience of folks.
In doing that, it is creating a positive social impact. If you turn around a multifamily complex, you can start to turn a neighborhood around and you do that enough times. You start to turn around enough neighborhoods. It starts to have a big impact. You give people pride of ownership, even though they’re renting, they have pride in their community. That’s powerful. That’s the deeper mission of what I do is we can turn this around one building at a time and make sure that people have a clean, affordable, safe place to live.
Let’s just be honest. People don’t view landlords as people that have a heart. They view us as screwed, “We don’t care. All you’re here for is the money,” and all of those kinds of things. As you’ve done that, how has that affected your overall rent collection and return on investment with what you’ve done?
It’s a complete win-win because what’s happened is turnover and delinquency are dropped. That allowed us to have a more stable investment. One of your biggest costs in owning a property is turnover, not only the costs of actually turning the unit but the lost revenue of having that unit down. If you’re able to bring turnover rates down because people want to be at your property, stay at your property and they’re staying for longer periods of time, then it helps improve the returns on your investment by creating programs for folks, a sense of community for folks, giving them amenities that they wouldn’t be able to get to other places. One thing that I love that we’re doing is we’re running fiber optic internet to all of our properties and we’re giving it to folks at a cheaper rate than they’d get their cheapest normal cable internet for.
If you can create a good experience for renters, you can create a lot of loyalty and avoid a lot of tenant turnover.
That is a win-win because they’re getting a better product, higher speeds and more stable connection. They don’t have to deal with the cable company. They move in, we flip a switch and their internet is on because we control it. We do a market survey and intentionally undercut the market to make it a no-brainer for folks. It’s not an additional financial burden for them because they’re already paying somebody for the internet. We shift the revenue to the property and we’re reducing their overall financial burden in doing that. That’s one of those situations where they can’t go to another property and get that. It creates that stickiness but it’s also a huge value for them.
It’s almost like we’re working off the same playbook because we do the same thing. To me, it starts with our customer experience. The very first time, they call and try to become a tenant of ours. I’ve found that the people that work for you that are your property management team are your first interface. Often people go for, “I went with these guys because they were the cheapest.” I guess that’s one way to do it but is that what you want your tenants to say? We shoot to be $35 more than anybody else in the market because of that same stickiness. I’m going to give you a better customer experience.
You’re going to get a return phone call from me from my company. If you call before 5:00, we’ll return that call before we leave the office. That’s the policy because when we’re doing that, we’re creating that same environment that people believe, “I mattered to these guys. I’m going to stick around. When I stick around, I’m going to be there 2, 3, 4 years,” because when you have a tenant move out and not spend the security deposit, cleaning, doing the upkeep, fixing carpet, fixing paint, putty and holes, you never wind up in a win on that, where you got all of your expense covered and you actually gave them back the money. It’s not because you’re doing anything underhanded. It’s just that there was wear and tear in the moving out cost money and the lack of people being in there. Providing other amenities, like the faster, better internet that we can buy in bulk that gets to them at a cheaper rate but also increases our NOI. It’s those kinds of things.
The time you go $35 a door more because of your customer service experience and that people want to stay here and $35 for a profit that you’re making on your internet. Now you’ve created a $70, a door Delta out of thin air by being nice and creating a better customer service experience than what the other guy has. It takes something to interface with the fiber guys and get that run to the property, take care of all that to make sure that everybody is working and all that kind of stuff but the ultimate customer experience is better. That reflects Kent on you very well because it goes back to that same mission. You’re wanting to provide safe, clean, affordable housing. You’re wanting to do that in the best possible fashion that allows people to live a life that is full and not something where they’re having to chase this or that down and spending more to get less. That reflects not only in how you run your business but how your businesses treat your clients.
I appreciate that. It is very important to us. One thing that you said around your property manager company, whether it’s a third party or your own company, there is nothing more important to a property, nothing that will make or break your investment more than a property management company or the people that are managing the property. The customer service piece is something that is simple to do. None of it is difficult but it’s not difficult to make that follow-up phone call. It’s the stuff that often does get left behind. I completely agree with you. It has a huge impact.
Let’s focus on that for a minute because we both understand that it’s important. How is it that you find your property management company? How you met them? I’m assuming that you’re not doing your property management.
There’s a couple of companies that I’ve worked with.
How are you vetting them? What are your top priorities when you’re talking to the property management company as far as, “I want to hire these guys because this is their priority?”
One of the first things that I want to understand is that they’re able to think like an owner or an investor. They understand the numbers, what we’re trying to achieve and the levers to pull to get there. There are certain things you can pull the lever and it makes things happen. Going back to when I was a consultant, what I started to fundamentally understand and seeing all these different businesses is like each business has 3 or 4 levers that you can pull to drive change and make an impact. It’s important for me that the property managers understand what those are. It’s like getting past all the noise to know what’s important. The ability to think like an owner and be able to put that cap on versus somebody that’s trying to collect their management fee.

One thing I like to do that doesn’t always work out is to be able to add an incentive structure for them that then incentivizes performance and incentivizes them to overachieve. This is a mistake that I made early on. What I found was you do your underwriting. The underwriting that you share with investors, at least my approach is I want that underwriting to be a little sandbag and there’s a 90% of confidence that we’re going to hit that. We’re going to under-promise and over-deliver. I turned that underwriting, that’s called sandbagged, over to the property management company and all of a sudden, that becomes their aspirational goal. My floor becomes their ceiling. I ended up on these calls with the property manager as I’m asset managing these properties and saying, “Why do we only do a 1% rent increase here? The market’s going up 5%.”
They are like, “That’s all we needed to do to get to pro forma.” I’m like, “You’re missing the point.” That’s what I mean by not being able to put that odor hat on and not understanding the context around what they’re doing impacts the overall investment. Understanding the context is what’s important and what they do, how that drives change. It goes back to customer service. If they will have a good customer service experience, what happens down the line? Those leads don’t become tenants. The people that are our current residents leave and our turnover rate is up. They’ve got to understand those downstream impacts. That’s the beginning.
One of the few people that said it like I say it and a great playbook you got there, asset management. Most people look at it as property management. They’re managing the paint, parking lot, clubhouse, rent collection and that has something to do with it but 60/40 split back to the asset, you’re there to make the best customer experience so that when you go in for the 6% rent increase, everybody’s happy to pay it because they’ve got the best experience that they can have. They’re in love with where they live. They like where they live because it’s back to exactly what you said, clean, safe, affordable housing and affordability. You can talk to people that own a Porsche Cayenne. They can tell you about affordability. They’re not driving that because it’s the cheapest car but they’re driving that because of the value that it creates for them. The steering, acceleration, comfort and luxury.
They’re understanding that and people fail to see that a lot of times when they’re property managing. They’re looking at it going, “Maybe if we just do a light clean on the carpets, we can save $50 and our NOI will be better.” You replace the carpets, move in a tenant that’s got the new apartment smell. That’s in love with a complex and had a fantastic customer service experience that’s willing to take not only this year is 6% rent increase and not thrilled about it but looking at it going, “This is the best place I could possibly live. I love living here and the way they treat me.”
That is asset management. I think a lot of people miss that because they’re looking at it and going, “This guy wants 3%. This guy wants 4%. I’m going to go with this guy,” but it’s about how they interface and act. You’re correct there because when you’re putting out your thoughts and projections, there are ways to exceed that. There are ways to motivate and to reward based on how did you do based on performing over pro forma, “You did this once we’re going to reward with that much,” and be able to put them on the same team with you. Now you have asset managers on the ground in every market you’re in.
It’s being able to help them change that mindset. Another thing I learned as a consultant is people act as they’re incentivized to act. This is going to sound negative. There’s a small percent of the population that will do the right thing because it’s the right thing to do. There’s a larger percentage of the population that will do the right thing because they’re paid to do the right thing. You’ve got to incentivize people to do the things you want them to do and that may be different on different properties. If it’s a property that’s in Alyssa, maybe you’re incentivizing leads and occupancy. If it’s a property where the occupancy has been stable, maybe you’re incentivizing based on the percentage rent increase of renewals. Those incentives could change with time. Those incentives should change as the phase of the project changes. The project moves from the renovation phase to the stable phase. People will act as they’re incentivized to act.
If you need proof for that, Google Harvard, monkeys and testing. We’ve been doing years with monkeys and we’ve been able to prove that monkeys will do exactly what they’re incentivized to do. Lab rats will do, and human nature’s not much different. You bring up a good point there that being able to look at each situation differently and not paint it with a broad brush and go, “You are property management. You must think like this and do this.” Each one being different.
Think like an owner. It’s critical thinking. There’s not just the playbook that every property that they own, “That’s the playbook and this is what happens. There’s some critical thinking into this property and the specific situation on that property. They change management style because of that.”
You mentioned early on in the show that you’re not only doing value add but you’re looking at development. What is the difference that you see between where you’re at with your underwriting on value add versus your underwriting on development and how is that affecting you? When you look at all the things that we’ve been talking about during the show as far as critical thinking about the business plan, incentives, business model, bringing the people along, all getting to the underlying goal that you have to bring clean, affordable, safe housing to people, how are you viewing both of those? They’re two different asset classes.
I will caveat that you could run circles around me on the development side. I’m very much a newbie but here’s how I look at things is, where we are in the market right now? Pricing has gotten insane for properties. I can tell you one of the markets that I look at very closely is Global Kentucky and we own property there and buying another property there. I’m looking for other properties but I’ve seen probably a $30,000 increase in a per-unit price of a C class property in Louisville.
What’s the percentage on that? Is that a 10% or 15%?
You are going from $80,000 to $90,000 up to like $125,000 a unit.
You’re talking about a 30% price increase from $90 to $100.
A lot of times, landlords are just looking at improving their bottom line without adding value back.
It’s been drastic. In a market like this, that’s what turned my eye to say, “I should start looking into some development opportunities,” because you’re running into where it costs just to build new as it does to buy something that’s twenty years old. When you start to do the Math on that, any logical person starts to say, “Maybe we should look at building something new. We don’t have to worry about the stuff in the building that’s twenty years old.” That’s a simple answer but I’m also seeing opportunities where there’s not enough housing in the US. We’re short on single-family homes. I saw a report, four million short in single-family homes.
I’ve seen other reports on multifamily that are anywhere from 4 to 5 million short. If you combine that, that’s nine million places to live short. In that environment, there’s a big opportunity to continue to build and develop. I love opportunities where we can come into a city or a town. There are some towns in Indianapolis. I’m looking at building in where there’s a drastic shortage of new construction. Nobody’s building new stuff there, largely because it’s not a sexy market but I think we could come in and build a very nice B class affordable place to live and partner with the local community to do that. I’m an economics guy. I look at supply and demand and the trends. You look at where we are in the real estate cycle and how much the price of buying a value head property is. It starts to make a lot of sense.
The reality is you’re looking at markets that supply and demand are driving everything. When you have that supply being outstripped by demand, everything’s running out, “We don’t have enough lumber. We don’t have enough concrete. We’ve got all these other issues.” That even in and of itself is continuing to drive pricing. It’s creating this tighter and spiral where the numbers are getting worse. The affordability is beaten out of the marketplace. It’s affordable with what I had to spend. It’s different than what the tenant is looking for as far as affordable out of their paycheck. You’re dealing with those economics but you also know as well as anybody how to increase that profitability without necessarily having to drive your rents up. What are some of the ways that you can increase your profitability without having that direct impact on the tenant that says, “I got to raise your rents in order to make me more profitable?”
I’m a big believer in creating value add amenities and that can become additional revenue streams. We talked about the internet as one. Another thing that we’ve had a lot of success in is purchasing washers, dryers and renting them back to the residents. They get a brand-new unit and we’re able to get the rental fees off of that. Different programs like that, even going into bulk purchasing for cell phones and not the physical cell phone but like the cell phone plan and giving discounts to residents on a property because we can go in and say, “We’ll offer this to the residents if you give them 10% discount.” There’s a lot of different ways to do it. One side of it is controlling your basis when you’re going into the property where a lot of people go wrong is they over improve and they put granite countertops in a property that doesn’t need granite countertops.

Because you do that and it increases your basis, how much you have in the property, whether you’re building or rehabbing, you’ve got to increase the rent to get to the return that you want. I’m a big proponent of doing as little as possible within the interior. Making it nice but not over-improving for the tenant because ultimately that allows us to keep the rents more affordable and still achieve the returns that we’ve promised our investors. You’ve got to be careful with that. Our strategy focuses less on the interiors, more on the exteriors, more on adding amenities and more on building that sense of community in some of the softer aspects of living somewhere.
That goes back to your critical thinking statements. You’ve got to look at ways that you’re going to interface with them. You’re going to improve their experience. That’s going to improve your bottom line instead of thinking about ways to improve your bottom line. That’s what a lot of people accuse landlords of and not always out of school because a lot of times, landlords are looking at, “How do I improve my bottom line at the expense without adding value back.”
Kent, it’s awesome to talk with you because you bring insight from a place where you’ve seen starting back to your early career of looking at other business models and how they brought value to their customers and what their value proposition was and who their avatar was. All of those things that you’ve now brought into your business. As you move forward, I know that in watching your progression and seeing what you’ve done.
I know that you’re going to have continued tremendous successes because I see how methodical you are and how you’re thinking about both sides of the equation, not how to enhance the NOI and people need more people that are willing to do the right thing because it’s the right thing to do. I know that you’re one of those guys. Kudos for being that. One of the other things that I want to bring us back to is, I know that you’ve got your own podcast, Ritter on Real Estate. You do networking events. I know that you’re very active in the Indianapolis market. How will they find you? How can they get in touch with you to see more about what you’re doing and get involved with some of the stuff you’re doing?
Everybody should just have access to clean, safe, and affordable housing.
The best way to get ahold of me is my website. It’s KentRitter.com. You can see my podcast, my blog and Investor Resources, especially stuff that’s good for beginning investors, terminology and frequently asked questions and things that get you off the ground and make you feel more comfortable as you’re interacting with deal sponsors and folks that have investments you might be interested in investing in. Check out my website’s the best place. My podcast Ritter on Real Estate is on all of the channels. Anywhere you listen to podcasts, you can find me.
Kent, you stole it out of my playbook because I’m ShannonRobnett.com. You’re my brother from an Indianapolis mother but I think I’m going to steal that and go great minds think alike. It’s been a pleasure to have you on the show. I hope that my readers do reach out to you because it is important that you guys understand that good people doing good business do good things. It’s amazing what Kent has been able to do in the short period of time that he’s been doing it. Now that he’s out on his own, I know that he’s going to continue to have success. Guys, help me thank Kent for being on the show by going to his podcast and checking that out as well. Kent, thanks for being here and bringing the knowledge that you brought to my readers.
Thanks, Shannon. I appreciated the conversation. This is a lot of fun.
Thanks for joining us. Don’t forget to like, share and subscribe to the shoe on Podchaser, Spotify, iTunes or wherever else you find Kent Ritter’s podcast. You can find mine. That way, you can get your automatic updates. You’ll find us on Instagram, YouTube and leave us a review. Follow us there, also at ShannonRobnett.com. Guys, thank you for tuning in. We look forward to seeing you next time.
Important Links:
- Kent Ritter
- Ritter on Real Estate
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- Investor Resources
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- iTunes – Robnett’s Real Estate Run Down
- Instagram – Real Estate Run Down
- YouTube – Shannon Robnett
- @RitterOnRealEstate – Instagram
- Linkedin.com/in/kentritter
- Facebook.com/ritteronrealestate
About Kent Ritter:

Kent is on a mission to create modern, affordable housing for America’s workforce while empowering others to take control of their financial future through real estate investing. Since 2019, Kent led the acquisition of 440 units and deployed over $6mm of investor capital into cash-flowing real estate through his firm Hudson Investing.Kent serves as a real estate thought leader and educator thought his podcast, Ritter on Real Estate, his networking event, Indianapolis Multifamily Investing meetup, and his website, kentritter.com.